Signer of the Constitution Gouverneur Morris stated: "This magistrate is not the king. The PEOPLE are the KING." John Jay, the First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, wrote inChisholm v. Georgia, 1793: "The PEOPLE are ...
通过对比佩里舰队成员“卫三畏”(Samuel Wells Williams,新教传教士)出版于1910年的『佩里日本远征随行记:1853-1854』,我发现两本书对专有名词的使用方式是高度相似的,这也足以说明在黑船来航的时代,日本皇帝(幕府将军)、日本帝国——已经是个通行的称呼了。 此外我们可以发现,Dairi(内裏)、Mikado(帝)作为对天皇的...
Sigismund I was a king who established Polish suzerainty over Ducal Prussia (East Prussia) and incorporated the duchy of Mazovia into the Polish state. Sigismund I, the fifth son of Casimir IV and Elizabeth of Habsburg, had ruled Głogów, Silesia, sin