Member of the Legislative Assembly Douglas, William 1750-1835 Farmer/Land Agent/Magistrate Member of the Legislative Assembly Gordon, Rev. Peter 1773-1809 Pioneer Presbyterian Clergyman Millar, John 1738-1798 Farmer Member of the Legislative Assembly Webster, John- 1813 Royal Navy/Commissary/Farmer Me...
the post until 1512, having gained the confidence ofPiero Soderini(1452–1522), the gonfalonier (chief magistrate) for life in Florence from 1502. During histenureat the second chancery, Machiavelli persuaded Soderini to reduce the city’s reliance on mercenary forces by establishing amilitia(...
The election had been preceded by a reform of the constitution, which resulted in the Henrician Articles converting Poland from a limited monarchy into a republic with an elective chief magistrate. The king was obliged to convoke the Sejm every two years, and in the periods between sessions ...