King James VersionOriginal King James Version 1611 is below. See if you can read it. In case you could not read it, it is Psalm 23. When I moved down to the South to attend a very conservative Christian University, I found a number of students at this school were KJV only. This ...
Psalm 23 byDavid, King of Israel,ca. 1037-970b.c. •Background This is the 23rd chapter in the Book of Psalms, which is the 19th book of the Old Testament, as read by Christians. A psalm is a song (Greekψαλμóς, "a song sung to a stringed instrument"). The original...
Psalm 8 is a poetic reflection on Genesis 1 and humanity?s role in God?s creation. God rules the world through humans, and human rule is tied to being made in God?s image. Video: This episode is designed to accompany our video called, ?Gospel of the Kingdom." You can view it on...