Ken knew the problem; he’d dealt with it himself growing up in the 1920s. The King James Version of 1611, used by most Protestant churches at the time, was difficult for modern generations to comprehend—much less Ken’s children growing up in the 1940s and ‘50s. He stopped reading ...
BlessingsEncouragement,Faith,God's Faithfulness,God's Goodness,God's Grace,God's Love,God's Power,God's Strength,God's Wisdom,Intimacy with God,Meditation,Praise,Prayer,Renewing the Mind,Thanksgiving,Uncategorized,Worship, taggedGod,God's actions on our behalf,God's attitubutes,Prayer,Psalm 71...
Understanding the word “saint” in the Bible and its scope and usage led me to a clearer picture. The singular version of the word translated ” saint” (qāḏôš-Hebrew-hagios-Greek)appears only two times in both the King James and the New King James versions (Psalm 106:16andPhil...
Good health comes to mind, or even life itself. These are certainly very highly treasured—but as gifts to enjoy, impossible to possess. As the Psalmist reminds us, we are “but flesh, a breath that goes forth and does not return” (Psalm 78:39). We all must learn to loosen our gri...
THE LORD MY SHEPHERD: He is called Shepherd 23 Psalm 23: A Psalm of David. The Hebrew is just "LORD My Shepherd," Translators inserted the word "is" to make a sentence out of this Name of God.The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.God likens His people to sheep: ...
establishing, with great clarity, why the Greek Text used by the: Luther, Tyndale, Great, Bishop’s, Matthew’s, Geneva and King James Bibles is vastly superior to the Greek text used by the ESV, NASB, NIV, and all other new version bibles:The Bible Version Controversy: The Tale of ...
But the poet’s surprisingly light tone here is a form not of denial, but of faith. For the believer, Time’s fatal blade brings not annihilation, but new growth: “By thy cutting he grows better.” We’re not sure what Time makes of this argument, but when the poet begins a more...
According to Idesbald (1833: 79), ‘le prince de Perse lut un discours écrit sur une feuille de parchemin, posée au-dessus des lettres dont il était porteur. Il prononça ce discours assez étendu d’une voix assurée, mais sa diction monotone et nasale ressemblait à une psalmod...
the pros and cons of the prussik knot the psalm of david be the pseudo myopia the pssycat dos the psychological app the psychological num the psychology of con the psychology of the the public company ac the public image the public lending ri the public opinion qu the public theater the ...
To meditate on Scripture, I taught the kidslectio divina,which sounds fancy, but really is just a practice of reading a short Scripture several times and reflecting and praying over it. I started with Psalm 23, since that was the first passage I had heard used withlectio divina. I invited...