1638-1715. He acceded to the throne on May 14, 1643, a few months before his fifth birthday, but did not assume actual personal control of the government until the death of his First Minister, the Italian Jules Cardinal Mazarin, in 1661. Louis would rema
The reign of Edward the Confessor and theNorman Conquest It is easy to regard the years of Edward’s rule simply as a prelude to thecatastropheof 1066, yet there are other aspects of his reign. Harrying caused by political disturbances or by incursions of the Scots or Welsh was only occa...
Edward VI was just 9 years old when he became king. He was crowned immediately following the death of his father, King Henry VIII. Who did Edward VI marry? Edward VI never married. He was only 15 years old when he died and had not yet taken full control of the kingdom due to his...
Shakespeare, WilliamRossiter, LeonardBibbert, EdwardMorris, MaryBloom, ClaireCorporation, British BroadcastingService, TelevisionVideo, TimeLifePublishing, Ambrose Video
After his death on 04/05/1849, John’s brother William was left to settle his affairs. It wasn’t until 1852 that his estate was settled. Estate sale of John A. King’s properties Estate sale of John A. King In the 1850 census, John’s 2 youngest children, Edward and Christopher, ...
The Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England As the sources make clear, Edward II's reign was a disaster from beginning to end. Marlowe found all he really needed for his imagination to take wing in the early description of Edward and Gaveston in Holin...
Only 23-years-old at the time, King George III had ascended to the throne before following the death of his grandfather, King George II, in October, 1760. He and his wife, then Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, had married in the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace just two ...
The young king Edward VI is buried beneath the floor in front of the altar and the last monarch to be buried in the abbey – King George II – lies in a vault under the central aisle along with his wife Queen Caroline and some of their children as well as other family members. On ...
Harry and Meghan coincidentally happened to be in Britain this past week to attend some charity events and had not even been expected to see William - until the death of their grandmother. However, the foursome stood together and chatted briefly, although they looked rather awkward and ...
The richly decorated towers – where the king entertained dignitaries and ambassadors – are thought to slightly predate the tiltyard which was apparently laid out in 1537 – perhaps, it’s been suggested, to mark the birth of King Henry VIII’s son, the future King Edward VI. ...