Edward Newgate,[12] more commonly known as "Whitebeard", was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and was widely known as the "Strongest Man in the World" and, after Gol D. Roger's death, the "Man Closest to One Piece".[7] ...
with the exception of Dr Tarrasch, and includes Maróczy and many of the ingenious young players who are coming to the front, the Carlsbad tournament must be considered to be of the same class as that of Ostend, and it seems illogical to award the title of “champion” to the winner ...
The princes had been taken to the tower in April, 1483, following the death of their father, King Edward IV, on the 9th of that month. Their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester (and the Lord Protector of his nephews), had done so, ostensibly for their protection, while Edward’s corona...
The Troublesome Raigne and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England As the sources make clear, Edward II's reign was a disaster from beginning to end. Marlowe found all he really needed for his imagination to take wing in the early description of Edward and Gaveston in Holin...
We note too that the previous day, page 17 of the newspaper had referred to a coroner’s report on the cause of death: For other information on Dolde, see an article by Neil Brennen on pages 276-287 of the 8/2002Quarterly for Chess History. ...
Things were unpromising from the start: the death of a 17-year-old labourer, John Whyard – who drowned in the local river during the house’s construction – setting the tone for what was to come, and causing mutterings among the superstitious locals about bad omens. ...
March 23rd- The last but one entry in Scott's diary, all three remaining men are alive on this date. March 29th- Last entry in Scott's diary, he is presumed to have been the last survivor and died on this date. The final cause of death in each man's case was hypothermia, getting...
On Queen Phillippa’s death, the king is said to have granted it to the Dean and Canons of Westminster but by 1371 it was apparently back in royal hands – Joan of Kent, the mother of the future King Richard II was living there at that time (Richard when king, apparently rode there ...
Reverend Edward Noel Mellish was attached to the 4th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers in Ypres Salient in 1916 and it was them during the first three days of the "Action of the St Eloi Craters" that he performed the action for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. He was the first ...
the provision was changed and she was given a number of manors and the borough of Wiltonin lieuof the £200, but only for as long as she remained in England. Given that a proposed move to Fontevrault had been dropped shortly after the death of Eleanor of Provence, the likelihood of ...