Effect of Product Inhibition on Kinetics of Drug Elimination. Journal of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamics. 1973; 1(3):231-242.D. Perrier, J. J. Ashley, and G. Levy. Effect of product inhibition on kinetics of drug elimination. J. Pharmacokin. Biopharm. 1 :231–242 (1973)....
A change in drug plasma levels when a compound is administered as a single dose together with another drug can arise from a change drug clearance, displacement from binding sites, a change in elimination rates, or a combination of any or all of these possibilities. The interaction of ...
Transdermal route Drug Absorption Tablets Capsules Enteric coatings Controlled-release formulations Causes of Low Bioavailability Drug Distribution Within the Body Drug Metabolism Drug Elimination Drug elimination in the urine Drug elimination in the bile Other forms of drug elimination NanomedicineAbout...
Since many drug-drug pharmacokinetic interactions are dependent on the concentrations of the interacting species, the degree of interaction should be a graded phenomenon varying with drug and/or metabolite concentration and thus drug administration and time. Hence one should be able to develop predictive...
Zero order kineticsDrug elimination is independent of the drug's concentration Physiological factors •AgeLower doses are required in both infants and the elderly, in the former because the metabolic machinery is not fully operational, in the latter because the machinery is decaying, with ↓ cardi...
Drug administration is the giving of a drug by one of several means (routes). Drug kinetics (pharmacokinetics) describes how the body handles a drug and accounts for the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.Topic...
A much easier accessibility of this drug, observed during the recent years, may account for an increasing number of acute intoxications with carbamazepine. The aim of this study was to determine the elimination kinetics of carbamazepine and its metabolite carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide, and to ...
Some drugs are chemically altered (the process ofmetabolism) by the body before they take effect, others are metabolized afterward, and still others are not metabolized at all. The final step is the removal of the drug and its metabolites (byproducts) from the body (the pr...
Modelling of Drug Kinetics at Nonlinear Metabolic Elimination: Another ApproachSubject area: Pharmacokineticsdoi:10.1016/S1474-6670(17)57587-4BielawskiS.Ifac Proceedings Volumes
Define Pharmakinetics. Pharmakinetics synonyms, Pharmakinetics pronunciation, Pharmakinetics translation, English dictionary definition of Pharmakinetics. n. 1. The process by which a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated by the body