You need to update the Kindle app to version 1.40 or later to download these books. The good news is that Kindle for PC/Mac version 1.40 is fully supported by Epubor Ultimate. Alternatively, if you have a Kindle device registered with your Amazon account, you can download Kindle books via...
If your Kindle for PC/Mac is forced to update to the latest version, you can perform the following steps: Method 1: Disable KFX Support in Kindle for PC/Mac Method 2: Downgrade automatically to an Older Version of Kindle for PC/Mac Method 3: Use Kindle e-ink Device...
2. Enter a new or existing address by clicking “Change” and then choosing “Update” when ...
Install or Update the Kindle for PC App on Your Computer Install or Update the Kindle App on Android Install or Update the Kindle App on iOS Deregister Your Kindle for PC App Deregister Your Android Kindle App Deregister Your iOS Kindle App ...
大体步骤是:1,在PC上安装kindle-for-pc- ,并登录,下载想备份的电子书...
下了一个最新版本Kindle For PC 但是点击安装之后,点击kindle 还是会显示同样的情况。应该怎么update? 难道需要先卸载然后装新的版本?但是这样之前看过的书上的记号评语什么的都回没掉吧。请大家帮忙,谢谢! 更新:可以了,还是版本的问题,之前的新版本是国内网上下(官网下的太慢太慢了)的Kindle For ...
1). Download and Install Kindle for pc, download ebook in Kindle for pc2). Download and Install Kindle DRM Removal.2). Run converter , you find Kindle ebook folder in options window, click menu “Tools->Options” to open options window, then select “content” section, you find Kindle ...
Update-jailbreak-hotfix-1.16.N-install.bin Update-jailbreak-hotfix-1.16.N-install.bin 上传者:chencaiqiang时间:2024-02-28 KindleForPC-installer-1.25.52068.exe KindleForPC-installer-1.25.52068.exe,PC端运行的Kindle电子书程序安装包! 上传者:liontan925时间:2019-07-05 ...
kindle for pc下载-Kindle For PC电脑版官方下载[免费版],版本列表-天极下载 2.安装旧版后,禁止自动...
那么直接下单是否就ok了呢?没那么简单。后面会分为5个步骤,实现在美亚购买Kindle电子书,并在Kindle for PC上成功阅读。亲测有效。 5步购买原版英文电子书 步骤1:拥有一个美亚账号 美亚Amazon.com和中亚Amazon.cn的账号系统并不联通。所以首先注册一个美亚账号,手机号可以留自己国内的号,后面需要接收验证码。