首先,从亚马逊网站下载当前固件文件(文件扩展名为.bin)到您的个人电脑或笔记本电脑。 然后,在Kindle开启的情况下,通过USB将其连接到个人电脑。 现在将固件复制到Kindle的根目录(主存储器)。不要创建子文件夹。这是Kindle找到更新文件的唯一方法。 断开Kindle与电脑的连接。 现在,右上角菜单中将出现一个新选项:“更新...
Note:If your device is on a version older than 4.1.3, please visitPrevious Software Updates for Kindle E-Readerfor instructions. Kindle Touch (4th Generation) Download Software Update Note:If your device is on an older version than 5.3.2,, 5.3.7, or, ...
Note:If your device is on a version older than 4.1.3, please visitPrevious Software Updates for Kindle E-Readerfor instructions. Kindle Touch (4th Generation) Download Software Update Note:If your device is on an older version than 5.3.2,, 5.3.7, or, ...
Amazon has released another software update for Kindle ereaders, but for some reason it's not available for all the models that updates are usually available for, at least not yet. This is the second Kindle update that Amazon has released this month, whi
首先,前往亚马逊的Kindle更新页面。 从这里,找到你的Kindle并点击它。 现在,该页面会说“是的,我们确实为您的设备提供了新的软件更新”。 向下滚动,直至看到 下载软件更新XXX 。 单击它,下载将开始。 根据您的互联网速度,这可能需要一段时间。 我的Kindle的更新文件是199 MB。
to or not. The joy of pointless software updates never ends. Actually it does end eventually after a Kindle becomes old enough. My Kindle Voyage hasn’t been updated in years and it has less problems than newer Kindles, and somehow it still works fine without getting updated every few ...
此版本看起来浏览器和其他性能是有所提升 Official Software Release Version 3.0.2 is available for the latest generation Kindle 6" device. This software update includes web browser and general performance improvements. 坐等升级后的体验贴 赞 回复 fatman (車塵馬足貴者趣) 2010-10-15 22:39:...
For some reason my kindle will no longer connect to WiFi, i’ve Tried connecting to different networks and phone hotspots but no luck (i’ve reset the device). It’s really frustrating but I don’t know what to do know. The reasons a Kindle/Kindle fire won't connect to the internet...
Software J..Software Jailbreak for any Kindle <= 5.14.2越狱发布了https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=346037