完成购买后,会收到邮件提示领取Kindle Unlimited Membership,此时点击邮件中黄色的“Redeem your Kindle Unlimited membership”链接。 在转到Amazon官网后,请务必确认你所点击的是redeem the membership as a gift card这一链接. 此时千万不要点击 “Redeem your 6 months gift of Kindle Unlimited” 那个按钮。 然后,...
2> 多次登不上就用了一次性验证码登上去了然后邮箱收到两封邮件,都是英文, 第一封就是提示欢迎使用之类的,第二封就有意思了,说获得了6 months of KindleUnlimited for FREE 。 感觉不对呀,与此同时继续使用kindle,跟着第一次使用教导走竟然提示连接有声读物的耳机(后面还看见设置选项里面也有蓝牙选项),还注册...
亚马逊提供Kindle Unlimited(在一个新标签中打开),每月9.99美元就可以在Kindle上阅读超过300万本书。新Kindle用户可以免费试用三个月。然而,我一直想读的东西都无法通过Kindle Unlimited获得。其中有几本来自我认识的一些作家,但似乎Kindle Unlimited的选择是为那些愿意阅读任何东西的人准备的。我不是那种人。I have ...
Kindle Unlimited is no longer suitable only for avid readers, just like Netflix is not only for people who want to watch movies every evening. However, the major question is still the same, and “how many books can I read per month?” is not this question. The right question you should...
The 4th-generation Kindle Paperwhite is Audible-ready and comes with 6 months of Kindle Unlimited free / Images and screenshots: Amazon The 4th-generation Paperwhite is sleek, waterproof, Audible-ready, and comes with six months of Kindle Unlimited for free. Note: Are you looking for ...
With the Kindle Scribe, you can access the Kindle bookstore, Prime Reading, and Kindle Unlimited like the other Kindles. But it also has a built-in notebook app with AI notebook tools to help you summarize your notes and even convert handwritten words into script. And when you write direc...
Amazon also allows consumers to order the Kindle Unlimited and give it as a gift to anyone else. This service is also called Kindle Unlimited Pre-Paid subscription. There are three options--6 months($59.94), 12 months( $119.88) and 24 months($239.76). When you place the order, it will...
Join Kindle Unlimited and unlock these exclusive benefits Unlimited Reading Unlimited access to over 4 million digital titles featuring best sellers, popular series, classics, and more Unlimited Listening Enjoy listening to thousands of audiobooks with Kindle Unlimited ...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited现在优惠,免费试用 3 个月的服务,期间可无限阅读 Kindle 电子书,开始后可立即取消续订。 Kindle Unlimited 是亚马逊推出的一项服务,订阅后便可以无限阅读 60 万册电子书和音频书。 06/20/2023 更新:又有了,而且这次是3 个月免费服务(以前都是 2 个月),机会难得!
Kindle Unlimited subscribers with active free trials or paid memberships are not eligible for this exclusive promotion. Customers who have benefited from a Kindle Unlimited promotion or free trial within the past 36 months may also miss out on this offer. But everyone else can profit from this ...