We should also point out that Kindle Unlimited subscribers with active free trials or paid memberships are not eligible for this exclusive promotion. Customers who have benefited from a Kindle Unlimited promotion or free trial within the past 36 months may also miss out on this offer. Mashable ...
Amazon has launched a Kindle Unlimited promotion where new customers can sign up for two months for free in the UK, then £9.49 per month after.
But it is important to remember that this is not a free service… and like with everything else, if you don’t do or use something enough, it may not be worth the money. Kindle Unlimited Review: Final Thoughts Amazon Unlimited is meant for the power reader… the book junkies… the ind...
Signing up for the Kindle Unlimited free trial couldn’t be easier. Just head over the website — or click the button above — and follow the on-screen instructions to create an Amazon account. Already have one? Simply click ‘”Join Kindle Unlimited”. You’re now enrolled f...
Free Kindle Unlimited for Two Months–Get a free two month trial subscription for Kindle Unlimited.You may cancel at any time. (Note: you do not need a Kindle to use this. You can use the Kindle app to read or listen on any device or computer.) ...
Here are the Kindle Unlimited deals that were offered in the past: Get 2 months of Kindle Unlimited free of charge. Save 50% on the 6-month Kindle Unlimited. Get 2 months of Kindle Unlimited for $0.99. Save $96 of the 24-month subscription. ...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited Deal: 3-Months Free for New Users | Up to $23 off Gift Cards Amazon is offering aFree 3-Month Trial Subscription. This is for new users but some returning users may have access to this offer. Save $35.97 for the first three months. After the trial is over, you...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited现在优惠,免费试用 3 个月的服务,期间可无限阅读 Kindle 电子书,开始后可立即取消续订。 Kindle Unlimited 是亚马逊推出的一项服务,订阅后便可以无限阅读 60 万册电子书和音频书。 06/20/2023 更新:又有了,而且这次是3 个月免费服务(以前都是 2 个月),机会难得!
2> 多次登不上就用了一次性验证码登上去了然后邮箱收到两封邮件,都是英文, 第一封就是提示欢迎使用之类的,第二封就有意思了,说获得了6 months of KindleUnlimited for FREE 。 感觉不对呀,与此同时继续使用kindle,跟着第一次使用教导走竟然提示连接有声读物的耳机(后面还看见设置选项里面也有蓝牙选项),还注册...
Adjust text size, font, layout, margins, background color, and more so you can read comfortably. Record notable moments Make notes and highlight your favorite lines. Kindle makes it easy to find and revisit your annotations. Search within your book ...