Download Software Update Note:If your device is on an older version than 5.3.2,, 5.3.7, or, pleasePrevious Software Updates for Kindle E-Readerfor instructions. Kindle Keyboard (3rd Generation) 3.4.3 Your serial number starts withB008download this file. ...
Software updates automatically download and install on your Kindle when connected wirelessly. These free software updates include general improvements and performance enhancements. Before You Start Be sure to download software updates onto a desktop computer in order to install them onto your device. For...
software update for the amazon kindle fire hdx 7 latest update getting started update & verify software previous updates latest update the updates what's new: device security improvements the details release date: january 5, 2016 file size: 11.93mb software version: fireos Help: Kindle Paperwhite Software Updates 在这个地址下载固件。usb连接后,把下载好的固件存...
先下载升级文件,地址 update_kindle_5.3.5.bin_免费高速下载 ,然后插usb放进kindle 根目录。退出...
5.1 定期更新软件 (Regular Software Updates) 为了获得最佳的使用体验,建议定期检查Kindle的系统更新。在“设置”中选择“设备选项”,然后点击“检查更新”。更新后,您的Kindle将获得新功能和安全补丁。 5.2 清洁屏幕 (Cleaning the Screen) 保持Kindle屏幕的清洁非常重要。使用微纤维布轻轻擦拭屏幕,避免使用化学清洁剂...
1.官方DXG最新固件版本是2.5.8,从amazon官方下载,amazon官网>右上角help>左侧kindle>Kindle Software Updates>Kindle DX>Kindle DX (Free 3G) Graphite: Download 下载链接,把下载后的bin文件拷到kindle里,然后断开电脑连接,Home > Menu > Settings > Menu >Update Your Kindle>OK,然后就等着好...
早是闲愁万种 一介书生 1 换其他品牌电纸书 yangyang80307 一介书生 1 现在的固件版本过低,升级固件版本。下面是Amazone的连接“Kindle E-Reader Software Updates”下载后,copy到Kindle根目录,然后手动升级。登录...
1.官方DXG最新固件版本是2.5.8,从amazon官方下载,amazon官网>右上角help>左侧kindle>Kindle Software Updates>Kindle DX>Kindle DX (Free 3G) Graphite: Download 下载链接,把下载后的bin文件拷到kindle里,然后断开电脑连接,Home > Menu > Settings > Menu >Update Your Kindle>OK,然后就等着好...