Barnes & Noble新一代平价电子阅读器Nook GlowLight 4e,售价119.99美元,即日起开放预购,这价格比亚马逊最平价的Kindle贵了30美元,但是比亚马逊最热门的Paperwhite便宜20美元,不仅无广告干扰,也开放用户透过非官方平台下载内容。 据The Verge报导,Nook GlowLight 4e是透过USB-C充电,内建8GB储存空间,以这个价位来说是正常...
Barnes & Noble称这种技术为“GlowLight”,可能会被用在Nook Simple Touch等电子书设备上。从 国外媒体泄漏的这张图来看,Barnes & Noble对这种技术似乎很有把握,而且Nook上使用的E-ink电子墨水背光技术看起来要比Amazon的技术更加简单。如此说来,Amazon收购Oy Modilis似乎并不太划算。 虽然Barnes & Noble推出背光电子...
Webster's Guide to E-Book Readers Including the Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook 《Webster's Guide to E-Book Readers Including the Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook》是Webster's Digital Services出版的图书,作者是Simon, Lyle ...
Barnes & Noble's Nook, Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader 作者:Clarke, McCallister 页数:154 定价:$ 24.58 ISBN:9781270802389 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: + 加入购书单
Barnes&Noble研发电子阅览器 杠上Kindle2 10月13日消息,据报道,美国最大连锁书店Barnes&Noble计划推出自家的电子书阅读器,与Amazon(亚马逊)的Kindle2电子书阅读器一较高下。 根据《华尔街日报》报道,Barnes&Noble的电子书阅览器,预期配有6英寸触控屏幕预期与虚拟键盘,可能于下个月初开始发售,目前售价尚未揭晓。
最新的Nook是Barnes&Noble最小和最便宜的型号:7英寸型号售价49.99美元。这家图书巨头之前在11月初宣布了一款新的Nook,有该公司产品最大的显示屏,达到10.1英寸。 Nook拥有32GB的存储空间,可以扩展到256GB。您还可以在Nook上运行Google Play应用。 正如预期的那样,7英寸的Nook是其较大兄弟的缩小版。存储容量16GB起,...
Do not buy if you want to use it to get books from your library. It does not work. And Barnes & Noble has terrible customer service. I have spent 4 months trying to resolve this issue and they are only good at giving me the ru...
$150 at Barnes & Noble E ink devices have certainly made staring at walls of text well into the late-night hours easier, but some readers may still prefer the expanded versatility of an LCD screen. The color spectrum is vastly better on a standard screen than even the most advanced color...
Barnes & Noble Apple Books Google Kobo The Witching Place: A Fatal Folio Sophie Love Alexis Blair is excited to make a fresh start working at a coastal bookstore. But the odd shop and the little town are more than they appear, and Lex is soon caught up in paranormal intrigue and a mur...