Barnes & Noble's Nook, Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader 作者:Clarke, McCallister 页数:154 定价:$ 24.58 ISBN:9781270802389 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: + 加入购书单
Barnes&Noble于7月份时宣布,随着成立自家电子书商店,正式返回电子书市场。Barnes&Noble的电子书可在多种接口上阅读,包括iPhone、iPod Touch,以及黑莓机等多种智能型手机。 Barnes&Noble预期为Plastic Logic公司即将推出的电子书阅读器“eReader”之电子书独家供货商。“eReader”的上市日期预期在明年之后。 倘若报道属实...
Barnes & Noble新一代平价电子阅读器Nook GlowLight 4e,售价119.99美元。Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble新一代平价电子阅读器Nook GlowLight 4e,售价119.99美元,即日起开放预购,这价格比亚马逊最平价的Kindle贵了30美元,但是比亚马逊最热门的Paperwhite便宜20美元,不仅无广告干扰,也开放用户透过非官方平台下载内容。 据...
Barnes & Noble finally added audiobook listening to the Nook, but we still don't have a perfect e-reader If you like audiobooks and get them from Barnes & Noble, the GlowLight 4 Plus might be the best device for you, given that it has not just Bluetooth but a 3.5 mm audio jack! I...
People who like reading eBooks will choose the Kindle eReader, for its eye-friendly screen, and the gigantic Amazon eBookStore. As the magnate in eBooks area, Kindle insist his AZW format, ignoring the popular ePub format. Kindle can’t read Barnes Noble directly, even if there is no DRM...
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之前有报道称Amazon将推出一款带有发光屏幕的Kindle,方便人们在夜间或光线不强处阅读电子书。现在美国最大实体书商Barnes & Noble也将发布新版带有屏幕冷光的Nook电子书。 Barnes & Noble称这种技术为“GlowLight”,可能会被用在Nook Simple Touch等电子书设备上。从...
Do not buy if you want to use it to get books from your library. It does not work. And Barnes & Noble has terrible customer service. I have spent 4 months trying to resolve this issue and they are only good at giving me the ru...