A:“Kinda” is slang/a short way of writing “kind of”. This is because when English speakers say “kind of” quickly, they do not usually pronounce a hard “f” at the end. “Kind of” means a little bit, or sort of.
"I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked kind of fat." (I looked a bit fat, a li...
a person who interprets the Constitution in a way that allows the federal government to take only those actions the Constitution specifically says it can takejudicial philosophy that adheres to theConstitution's meaning and intent, avoidingbring moder values and culture intoconsideration in interpreting...
@JapaneseNikiThat way of saying it is not rude. I wouldn’t say it like that personally. Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 您为什么回答“嗯...”? yugii_amane 2021年12月4日 英语(美国) It sounds natural, but you probably wouldn't want to say this to adults. You can't use it...
I loveAutohotkeyso much thatit keeps me on Windows. It’s the best GUI automation tool out there. Here’s a shortcut that opens my current browser tab in theWayback Machine: #HotIfWinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")>!^s::{Keywait("RControl")Keywait("RAlt")SendEvent("^l")SendInput(...
my life is a movie in a cinema i don't think i'd wanna take ya way up on my cost and i'd see why you'd wanna hide i'm getting kinda sick of all this formal informality when all i wanna do is go back to that time we had in february and all that i do is watch the news...
yet unsurprisingly subdued sense of national pride. Through the national glue of hockey and canoes, of flora and fauna, of places and things they shouted, “We are Canada!” in a way that was an inside-joke – something you just could not understand, unless you knew about toques and pucks...