Formal & Informal styles 英语写作 WarmUp WuhanUniversityofTechnology DialogueOneA:Hey,Jennifer!How’sitgoing?A:You’vealwaysbeenabraininscience.J:Iacedmybiochemtest!A:Sweet!J:Notreally,I’vejustalwayslikedscience.Maybeitsoundskindastrange,butIgetakickoutofit.J:Yeah,Ireallyluckedout.Itotallyspacedthe...
Wuhan University of Technology A: You’ve always been a brain in science. J: Not really, I’ve just always liked science. Maybe it sounds kinda strange, but I get a kick out of it. A: Not me. I’ve got a big presentation in my French lit class tomorrow. J: Don’t sweat it....
for those two days, it was just me and my biochem book. but when friday came, i was psy 2、ched and the test was a breeze.,a: youve always been a brain in science. j: not really, ive just always liked science. maybe it sounds kinda strange, but i get a kick out of it. a...
(let me go);Whatcha gonna do?(What are you going to do?);Whassup?(What’s up?);I kindawanna go to the movies(kind of want to). Your Turn to Practice Informal – Formal English Greetings Informal:Hi, How are ya?, How’s it going?, How ya doin’?Formal:Hello, Good Morning, ...
science.Maybeitsoundskinda strange,butIgetakickoutofit. A:Notme.I’vegotabig presentationinmyFrenchlit classtomorrow. J:Don’tsweatit.You’llbegreat WuhanUniversityofTechnology 2 DialogueTwo A:Areyouavisaofficer? B:Yes.Pleasetakeaseat.Youwantto gotoNewYork,right? A:Yes.Myuncleislivingthere.He...
DialogueOne A:You’vealwaysbeenabrainin A:Hey,Jennifer!How’sitgoing?science.J:Iacedmybiochemtest!A:Sweet!J:Yeah,Ireallyluckedout.ItotallyspacedthetestuntilWednesday,J:Notreally,I’vejustalwayslikedscience.Maybeitsoundskindastrange,butIgetakick soIonlyhadtwodaystostudy.Ioutofit.wasstressed.Forthose...