Gigabit 就是千兆意思 jelin61 1ms 1 解决了!我告诉你我的解决办法就是先把接到E2400网卡的网线接到一个支持千兆且兼容该网卡的交换机或者无线路由器显示为1G速度之后,在电脑上测试一下速度,然后拔下来马上插到你要用的那个路由器或者交换机上即可,也就是说这个网卡要达到1G速度,需要重新协商到最高速度1G,如...
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡吗?为什么我200M的宽带速度总是上不去,只有20M,具体怎么设置的啊,我家的无限都比有线快了 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 **老哥 我跟你一模一样都是200m的网变20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 我的把网络设置改成自动以后好了一段时间 然后最近又是20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1...
today launched the worlds most advanced networking detection and prioritization technology for gamers and performance users as part of its all-new Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. The Killer E2400 delivers unprecedented speed, intelligence and control for the ultimate networking experience...
✅ Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller wakes my PC from sleep mode:For some reason my PC automatically wakes up from sleep mode on its own. I typed the command powercfg -lastwake into command prompt, and it told me...
I am using the Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet. I've been told technical support has been discontinued. It came installed on a Dell 8930 XPS. I am using Windows 11. I went to the Intel downloads site and tried installing the update Intel showed as available for my pc - Intel®...
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller,killer网卡驱动,有线网卡,外星人 外星人 killer 有线网卡驱动 E25002020-06-19 上传大小:88KB 所需:50积分/C币 基于Selenium 和 Tkinter 的爬取淘宝商品的Web自动化工具资料齐全+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡吗?为什么我200M的宽带速度总是上不去,只有20M,具体怎么设置的啊,我家的无限都比有线快了 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 **老哥 我跟你一模一样都是200m的网变20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 我的把网络设置改成自动以后好了一段时间 然后最近又是20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1...
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡吗?为什么我200M的宽带速度总是上不去,只有20M,具体怎么设置的啊,我家的无限都比有线快了 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 **老哥 我跟你一模一样都是200m的网变20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 我的把网络设置改成自动以后好了一段时间 然后最近又是20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1...
I am using the Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet. I've been told technical support has been discontinued. It came installed on a Dell 8930 XPS. I am using Windows 11. I went to the Intel downloads site and tried installing the update Intel showed as available for my pc - Intel® ...
I am using the Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet. I've been told technical support has been discontinued. It came installed on a Dell 8930 XPS. I am using Windows 11. I went to the Intel downloads site and tried installing the update Intel showed as available for my pc - Intel® ...