尊敬的各位大神:我的电脑主板是:技嘉 Z170X-Gaming 3,网卡型号为:鈺硕 Killer e2400 Gigabit Ethernet Controller,请问这个网卡是千兆网卡吗?我家打算升级使用200M宽带,请问这个网卡支持吗?谢谢 gengxiuchao 1ms 1 顶贴 等大神 念念无滞 1ms 1 不知道支不支持 only然然然然 1ms 1 没有1G双全功啊 xp03...
I am using the Killer E2400 Gigabit Ethernet. I've been told technical support has been discontinued. It came installed on a Dell 8930 XPS. I am using Windows 11. I went to the Intel downloads site and tried installing the update Intel showed as available for my pc - Intel® ...
I have a Killer E2400 Gigabit Ehternet Controller With the Killer Suite version 3.1322.1109.0 The controller has always worked great, but now during the last week it has stopped uploading any data, or very little. I have rolled back all windows ...
This is a very, very common occurrence when troubleshooting Gigabit Ethernet, and it nearly always comes down to one Cat 5e cable being the culprit. This includes all cabling between the machine and the router - including any cabling in, before, and after any switches, or on the other side...
文件名:Killer-E2400-E2500-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller-Driver_608FY_WIN_1.2.1268_A04.EXE 文件大小:76.32 MB 格式说明: Microsoft Windows 32位格式中的戴尔更新包(DUP)设计为可以在Microsoft Windows 64位操作系统上运行。Microsoft Windows 64位格式中的戴尔更新包(DUP)仅可在Microsoft Windows 64位操作系统上...
Killer E2500 Gigabit Ethernet Controller是千兆网卡吗?为什么我200M的宽带速度总是上不去,只有20M,具体怎么设置的啊,我家的无限都比有线快了 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 **老哥 我跟你一模一样都是200m的网变20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1 我的把网络设置改成自动以后好了一段时间 然后最近又是20m 持锤大只佬 1ms 1...
1:Killer-E2400-2500-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller-Driver_33R77_WIN_1.4.1494_A05.EXE。去戴尔官网找到这个驱动,双击安装,然后点击修复就行了。2:这个版本的bug,我也是,5.10号更新的,安完新驱动就好了。3:Killer Control Center是Killer网卡的官方通用驱动程序和网络控制软件,支持所有的Killer有...
Killer-E2400-2500-Gigabit-Ethernet-Controller-Driver_33R77_WIN_1.4.1494_A05.EXE 去戴尔官网找到这个驱动,双击安装,然后点击修复就行了,我就是这么解决的