A Bug's World by Dr Erica McAlister & Stephanie Fizer Coleman (illustrator) The judges of the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize look for books that explain high quality science in an engaging and accessible way. NeuroscientistUsha Goswami, chair of the 2023 judging panel, explains why ...
I learned a ton about the octopus from reading this book, and anyone doing research will not have to go much further to get everything they need on the topic. I found the second half of the book a bit more engaging than the first half, particularly the chapter on octopus celebrities. T...
The Backyard Bug Book for Kids (机器翻译:给孩子们的后院昆虫书) 作者:Lauren Davidson 出版社:Rockridge Press ISBN(13位):9781641525251 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:48 市场价:¥ 69.9 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 21.40¥ 18.830有货通知...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订The Backyard Bug Book for Kids: Storybook, Insect Facts, and Activitie 儿童后院虫子书:故事书,昆虫事实和活动》。最新《海外直订The Backyard Bug Book for Kids: Storybook, Insect Facts, and Activitie 儿童后院
With Inventeca, it’s simple: you choose a picture book and unleash your imagination, telling your own stories. Record your children's voices and synchronize them with the books in the app, then share those special moments with family and friends. ...
2017年3月18日 版本1.0 Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。 App 隐私 开发者Panuwat Khemchaloem尚未向 Apple 提供其隐私惯例和数据处理相关的详细信息。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未提供详细信息 开发者下一次提交 App 更新时将需要提供隐私详细信息。
And we have an interview on the best Roald Dahl books— humour is a great way to start 6-8 year olds on a lifetime of reading for pleasure. Highly illustrated chapter book series with simple language and fast-paced plots are also popular for this age group; we have recommendations for ...
最新应用 Ladybug Mira Coloring Book For Kids Coloring Book for Ladybug Ladybug Coloring Book Ladybug Coloring Book New coloring book for kids kids coloring Coloring Book for Ladybug HD Coloring Book for Ladybug Hero Ladybug Coloring Game For Kids Ladybug * Coloring * Pages : For Kids ...
With Inventeca, it’s simple: you choose a picture book and unleash your imagination, telling your own stories. Record your children's voices and synchronize them with the books in the app, then share those special moments with family and friends. The app offers beautiful non-verbal narratives...
james talbot this is an amazing book i love it so much its intresting. isla shah woow isla shah OMG this is such a good app to use i am teling all my friends about this meg hi MWYSO hi Nathan I’m researching bees right now and they are cool! Amelia B. Love this! So man...