gift from God. Children and adults will love this “David and Goliath” story! OurAudioBooksare now available! You can buy all booksHEREonline! See the Dotsie BugTrailerbelow! With everyDotsie Bugbook includes aFREEdownloadable audio book! - for more info clickHERE- EnjoyDotsie Bug's site!
Lady Bug Books for Kids It’s a Good Thing There Are Ladybugsby Joanne Mattern Are You A Ladybug?by Judy Allen A Ladybug’s Lifeby John Himmelman Lady Bugby David M. Schwartz Ladybugsby Gail Gibbons Look for Ladybug in Plant Cityby Katherina Manolessou Story Books about Ladybugs Ladybu...
Jerry has written many books for Charlesbridge, including The Icky Bug Alphabet Book, Dory Story, and The U.S. Navy Alphabet Book. Jerry frequently visits elementary schools and libraries across the country to encourage children by teaching them how to create their own alphabet books. A dynamic...
Rainier Harris, a freshman at Columbia University who wrote for The New York Times in his senior year of high school, knows this frustration all too well: He says he’s been pushed aside by editors who deem young journalists too i...
Though they might save the haunted house adventure for last...return with all-new stories about our favorite bug pals. This amazing book filled with adventure, exploring new feelings, and continuing on the friendship journey with Stag-B and Rhino-B with all-new stories in this series....
Why not create a personalized Passover Haggadah in the form of a felt book! Inspired by the Creativebug class, Sew a Quiet Adventure Book for Baby, we’ll walk you through the process of adapting this craft to celebrate the story of Passover. Materials For Felt... ...
Naturalist Edward 0, Wilson jokes that unlike other kids, he never grew out of his bug period.Luckily for this biologist, his lifelong passion for ants has led to a career rich in accomplishments and praise. He is not just the world's foremost expert on the social behavior of ants, ...
Many children have a "bug(虫子)period"一a time of life when bugs are a source of endless fascination and learning. Naturalist Edward O. Wilson jokes that unlike other kids, he never grewout of his bug period.Luckily for this biologist, his lifelong passion for ants has led to a career...
The electrified grid in plug-in and lantern-type bug zappers is safely contained within a plastic cage to prevent fingers from inadvertently touching the grid and receiving a shock. Racquet-type zappers, also called “electric fly swatters,” can be a different story. ...
Story cards and Words Here’s aprintableof the Images of all the animals the ladybug encounters and all of the printable words. I love the language building with the animals in this story, ones that you don’t always see in books. Makes for a fun science discussion too with each animals...