然后进入discover界面,该界面用于和Elasticsearch交互,还可以展示搜索结果。右上角有个时间过滤器,默认是logstash索引最后15分钟的数据,没有的话就会显示No results found。点击过滤器后可以在左侧选择过滤条件,分为了快速查找(Quick)、相对时间(Relative)、绝对时间(Absolute)。 在中间部分有绿色的直方图,点击绿色区域会...
2 I am using logstash with elestic search and kibana for my mining my logs. It was working fine till yesterday but suddenly started giving following error which I am not able to understand - No results There were no results because no indices were found that match your ...
右上角有个时间过滤器,可以根据时间范围进行数据过滤。默认是展示最近15分钟的数据,如果时间范围内没有数据会显示No results found。过滤器分为了快速查找(Quick)、相对时间(Relative)、绝对时间(Absolute)。 还有个DevTool工具用户查询Elasticsearch中的数据,它其实就是取代了使用curl命令去获取数据,使用match(精准匹配)...
[index_not_found_exception] no such index [ui-kibana], with { resource.type="index_or_alias" & resource.id="ui-kibana" & index_uuid="_na_" & index="ui-kibana" } :: {"path":"/ui-kibana/_search","query":{},"body":"{\"track_total_hits\":true,\"query\":{\"term\":{\"...
I have a problem, where the Kibana server is not ready yet, even though I have followed the instructions according to the instructions, please help me in deploying elk Problem description Extra information Stack configuration Docker setu...
make: g++: Command not foundmake: *** [em.o] Error 127Gem files will remain installed in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/eventmachine-1.0.3 for inspection.Results logged to /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/eventmachine-1.0.3/ext/gem_make.outAn error occurred while installing eventmachine (1.0....
In the search bar, entertype: nginx-accessor another search term that will match logs that contain geoip information. Make sure your time period (upper right corner of the page) is sufficient to match some log entries. If you seeNo results foundinstead of the map, yo...
Apache Kafka Tutorial The Scala-based streaming and messaging software is one of the most popular solutions for efficiently storing and processing large data streams. In this Kafka tutorial, you will learn the requirements for using this open source software and how best to install and set up ....
{payload.hits.total}} results found by the watcher {{watcher.title}}.\n\n\n \n This watcher sends alerts based on the following criteria:\n {{watcher.wizard.chart_query_params.queryType}} of {{watcher.wizard.chart_query_params.over.type}} over the last {{watcher.wizard.chart_query_...
org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found): com.elk.elkweb.mapp 报错信息如下 意思是找不到EfficiMapper.java中的这个方法softNameEfficiency 思路: 1.去对应的mapper.xml文件中检查,我这里是NodeWorkDetailMapper.xml。 果然namespace写的不对,应该是写这个xml文件对应的dao...