kibana-discover查不到数据,提示 Expand your time range 一、报错详情 Expand your time range 162 of 198 shards failed The data you are seeing might be incomplete or wrong. 二、解决方案 检查stack management-->index patterns 这个配置,发现 Time field 为 createTime 字段 经排查,road_data_merged-20*...
在左側導覽列,單擊Kibana下的Discover,並在下拉式清單中選擇之前建立的nginx*索引模式。 在Discover頁面右側或者在長條圖中,選擇一個時間範圍,查看指定時間範圍內的資料。 更多詳細資料,請參見更多功能中的《設定時間過濾器》章節。 更多功能 Discover頁面總覽 ...
通过Kibana Discover,您可以快速搜索大量数据并了解业务在特定时间内的数据情况。本文介绍如何使用Kibana的Discover功能。 背景信息 Discover会告诉Kibana在哪里可以找到您的数据,然后搜索并过滤它来获取其中隐藏的见解与关系。详细信息请参见Kibana官方文档。 前提条件 ...
InDiscoverpage if i change the date for example: from05-Jan-2021 to 15-Jan-2021it saysNo results match your search criteria Since i have data from -01-Jan-2021 to 19-Jan-2021inElasticsearchbut in Kibana if i change date something in betweendate/timeframe it is not showing the data. ...
Kibana showsDiscover: no permissions for [indices:data/read/search] and User [name=CN=XXXX,OU=XXXX,O=XXXX, roles=[]]. Not able to view logs in Kibana with the user havingcluster-adminrole/privileges. Environment OpenShift Container Platform ...
kibana discover索引太多 在这一章,我们将了解LiteDB里面几个基本数据结构包括索引结构和数据块结构,我也会试着说明前辈数据之巅在博客中遇到的问题,最后对比mysql进一步深入了解LiteDB的索引原理。 1.LiteDB的五种基本数据结构 在LiteDB的Structures中定义了五个基本数据结构,分别为PageAddress、CollectionIndex、DataBlock...
However, if I did this, I will get all non-zero results, just like in discover: GET metricbeat-*/_search { "query": { "term": { "system.filesytem.used.pct":0 } } } As pointed out by @Ron Serruya, there is a mapping issue. The mapping forsystem.filesytem.used.pctis detected...
Remove KQL optInCount/optOutCount telemetryFeature:KQLKQLimpact:lowAddressing this issue will have a low level of impact on the quality/strength of our product.loe:mediumMedium Level of EffortTeam:DataDiscoveryDiscover, search (e.g. data plugin and KQL), data views, saved searches. For ES|QL...
Only show data warning screen on Serverless #201920 merged Nov 28, 2024 [Discover][UnifiedDataTable] Attempt to fix flaky jest test #201754 merged Nov 28, 2024 [8.x] [eem] _search endpoint / initial entity manager UI (#199609) #202050 merged Nov 28, 2024 [Serverless][Data...