Anonymous July 19, 2011 khan academy is a good help to every one Anonymous December 08, 2011 good jog and i am also thankful to him who provide us a good learning method...thanx Anonymous January 03, 2012 please send lecture about long day and short day plant中文...
1-1 Triboelectric effect and charge _ Physics _ Khan Academy-IDQYakHRAG8是【AP物理2】03:电荷、电场和电势 Electric charge, field, and potential 18集全【可汗学院】【官网最新版】的第1集视频,该合集共计18集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free. Khan Academy cover a massive number of topics, including K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even the humanities with playlists on finance and history. You can learn about the fundamentals of computer...译自印度可汗学院物理课:半导体Semiconductors,第二十九节(最后一节),晶体管开关本节介绍了作为开关使用的晶体管的工作特性图文描述,直观易懂,有想学习半导体相关知识的同
Physics | Science | Khan Academy Introduction to Physics (原视频) p1 数学,最底层的知识,一切知识的浓缩和高度抽象和简化;物理,用数学去理解宇宙中的一切;化学,生物学,以及在它们基础上衍生的所有学科都可以追溯到物理;所以,觉得数学太枯燥,觉得机器学习,深度学习,区块链,量子计算太高深,可以从物理开始学; ...
高中知识搬运创建的收藏夹高中知识搬运内容:Young's double slit introduction | Light waves | Physics | Khan Academy英文高中知识,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
( -- The problems with basic education, both in the US and other countries, are complex, but one website may have the ability to improve education on a global scale. The Khan Academy, whose mission is to "provide a free world-class education
But Khanmigo is very different from ChatGPT. Type a question into ChatGPT, and it will spout out an answer. Type the same question into Khanmigo, and the chatbot will guide you towards creating your own answer. Khan Academy very cleverly took technology that was stressing teachers out and ...
95 Fluids (part 11)-360p 上传者:易学easypass 07:45 96 Fluids (part 12)-360p 上传者:易学easypass 09:48 97 Thermodynamics (part 1)-360p 上传者:易学easypass 10:17 98 Thermodynamics (part 2)-360p 上传者:易学easypass 10:23 99 Thermodynamics (part 3)-360p ...
and section 8.1 on linear transformations. 3blue1brown has a nice video onmatrix multiplication as composition of linear transformations. If you've forgotten the basics of how to multiply matrices by vectors or matrices by matrices, google for some tutorial material online (e.g.Khan academy) and...