译自可汗学院Class 12 Physics (India) 的半导体课程 Lesson 2:半导体基础知识 第2节课:本征激发和复合 https://www.khanacademy.org/science 本征半导体中有多少自由电子和空穴? 在本视频中,让我们了解如何计算任何给定温度下本征半导体中的电子和空穴的数量。 由 Mahesh Shenoy 制作。 你在模拟电路中遇到的所有问...
译自可汗学院Class 12 Physics (India) 的半导体课程 Lesson 1:固体能带理论第4节课:导体、绝缘体和半导体 https://www.khanacademy.org/science 为什么某些物体表现得像导体,而另一些则不然?这似乎是一个非常简单的问题,但事实并非如此。要真正回答这个问题,我们需要更深入地研究固体的电子能级。在本视频中,我们...
Anonymous July 19, 2011 khan academy is a good help to every one Anonymous December 08, 2011 good jog and i am also thankful to him who provide us a good learning method...thanx Anonymous January 03, 2012 please send lecture about long day and short day plant中文...
Physics | Science | Khan Academy Introduction to Physics (原视频) p1 数学,最底层的知识,一切知识的浓缩和高度抽象和简化;物理,用数学去理解宇宙中的一切;化学,生物学,以及在它们基础上衍生的所有学科都可以追溯到物理;所以,觉得数学太枯燥,觉得机器学习,深度学习,区块链,量子计算太高深,可以从物理开始学; ...
Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere...
Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free. Khan Academy cover a massive number of topics, includingK-12 math, science topics such asbiology,chemistry, andphysics, and even the humanities with playlists on finance and history. You can learn about thefundamentals of computer science...
I called it Khan Academy, just as a joke. It was me with my cousins. Although, in the back of my mind, I said, “The cool thing about software, if it works for 15 cousins, it could work for a billion people, eventually.” So I had some delusional aspirations at the ti...
Khan Academy(可汗学院) 网址:Khan Academy 简介:提供包括物理学在内的各种学科的免费视频教程和练习。 MIT OpenCourseWare(麻省理工学院公开课) 网址:MIT OpenCourseWare 简介:麻省理工学院提供的免费课程资源,包括物理课程的讲义、视频和作业。 HyperPhysics
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items to teach physics came from an AI-powered teaching assistant calledKhanmigo for Teachers, a pilot program introduced last year by Khan Academy, the non-profit online educational organization started in 2008 by Sal Khan with a mission to provide a free, world-class education to anyone...