keytool -import -keystore test_cacerts -file test.crt 1. 功能: 将证书文件test.crt导入到名为test_cacerts的证书库中, 5.查看证书信息 keytool -printcert -file "test.crt" 、 1. 功能: 查看证书文件test.crt的信息 6.删除密钥库中的条目 删除前查看密钥库test.keysote中的证书条目 keytool -list -k...
Import a root or intermediate CA certificate to an existing Java keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file mydomain.crt -keystore keystore.jks 导入SSL服务器证书到keystore Import a signed primary certificate to an existing Java keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mydomain...
Import a root or intermediate CA certificate to an existing Java keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file mydomain.crt -keystore keystore.jks 1. 导入SSL服务器证书到keystore Import a signed primary certificate to an existing Java keystore keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias myd...
-importcert {-noprompt}: Do not prompt {-trustcacerts}: Trust certificates from cacerts {-protected}: Password is provided through protected mechanism {-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process {-file file}: Input file name [-keypass arg]: Key password {-keystore keyst...
-importcert {-noprompt}: Do not prompt {-trustcacerts}: Trust certificates from cacerts {-protected}: Password is provided through protected mechanism {-alias alias}: Alias name of the entry to process {-file file}: Input file name [-keypass arg]: Key password {-keystore keyst...
导入新的CA到信任证书Import New CA into Trusted Certs keytool -import -trustcacerts -file /path/to/ca/ca.pem -alias CA_ALIAS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts Keytool介绍 Keytool 是一个Java数据证书的管理工具 ,Keytool将密钥(key)和证书(certificates)存在一个称为keystore的文件中在key...
Import New CA into Trusted Certs keytool -import -trustcacerts -file /path/to/ca/ca.pem -alias CA_ALIAS -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts Keytool介绍 Keytool 是一个Java数据证书的管理工具 ,Keytool将密钥(key)和证书(certificates)存在一个称为keystore的文件中在keystore里,包含两种数据...
Used the keytool's import option. The command below executed without any errors. keytool -import-alias downloadedCertAlias -keystore C:\path\to\my\keystore\cacerts.file -file C:\path\of\exportedCert.cer I was prompted for a password at the command prompt, which I entered the...
You then import that certificate into your .keystore file and you can then use it for signing your code. To import REM import purchased code-signing cert into cacerts REM Prior to Java 1.6 use -import instead of -importcert keytool -importcert -alias pluginsigner -trustcacerts -file cert....
-importcert {-aliasalias} {-filecert_file} [-keypasskeypass] {-noprompt} {-trustcacerts} {-storetypestoretype} {-keystorekeystore} [-storepassstorepass] {-providerNameprovider_name} {-providerClassprovider_class_name{-providerArgprovider_arg}} ...