keytool -importcert -alias rootca -file root.cer -keystore sub.keystore -storepass 123456 -keypass 123456 然后,才能导入sub.cer到密钥库,alias subca就是之前用来生成密钥库或证书请求时用到的秘钥对别名: keytool -importcert -alias subca -file sub.cer -keystore sub.keystore -storepass 123456 -...;;;publicclassKeyToolExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{// 创建ProcessBuilder对象,并指定执行的命令ProcessBuilderpb=newProcessBuilder("keytool","-genkeypair","-alias","mykey","-keyalg","RSA","-keystore",...
Note: In this example, the returned certificate is named DCmyname.cer. Copy keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file DCmyname.cer Exporting a Certificate That Authenticates the Public Key Note: If you used the jarsigner command to sign a Java Archive (JAR) file, then clients that use th...
For example, if you sent your certificate signing request to VeriSign, then you can import the reply with the following, which assumes the returned certificate is named VSMarkJ.cer: keytool -importcert -trustcacerts -file VSMarkJ.cer Export a Certificate That Authenticates the Public Key If...
-importcert 导入证书或证书链 -importpass 导入口令 -importkeystore 从其他密钥库导入一个或所有条目 -keypasswd 更改条目的密钥口令 -list 列出密钥库中的条目 -printcert 打印证书内容 -printcertreq 打印证书请求的内容 -printcrl 打印 CRL 文件的内容 ...
$ cat #!/bin/bash domain_name="" domain_port="443" cert_alias="" export JAVA_HOME="/opt/jdk" echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ${domain_name}:${domain_port} 2> /dev/null | sed -n '/---BEGIN CERTIFICATE---/,/---EN...
$ keytool -importcert -alias cdserver -file jenkins-cd.crt -keystore jenkins-cd.jks Enter keystore password: Certificate reply was installed in keystore 4.5 配置java程序使用jks 用jenkins 来举例 --httpsKeyStore=${JENKINS_CONF_DIR}/jenkins_certificate.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=the_password_you...
keytool -printcert -filetest1.cer 也可以使用 -sslserver <server[:port]> 参数,直接从网络上打印某个 ssl server 的证书内容 。 3.6、导入证书 keytool -importcert -keystore /home/mongo/test.keystore -filetest1.cer -alias test2 执行命令后会在密钥库中增加一个条目类型为 trustedCertEntry,别名为 ...
keytool -importcert -filecertificate.cer -keystore keystore.jks -alias"Alias" 和 keytool -import -aliassusan -fileExample.cer -keystore exampleraystore 尝试以管理员身份使用 cmd。我已将我的证书文件放在 Desktop 中。当我尝试复制时: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre\lib\security ...
-importcert Imports a certificate or a certificate chain -importpass Imports a password -importkeystore Imports one or all entries from another keystore -keypasswd Changes the key password of an entry -list Lists entries in a keystore