According to the developer of KeyMapper, it has been designed using the key scan codes for Windows 7. But it can still be used on Windows 10 or even Windows 11. I tested it on Windows 10 64-bit and it seems to work very well for all sorts of key mappings. You can download KeyMappe...
*v1.3.1 -> "Auto Startup"勾选框可以让QKeyMapper键盘映射程序在Windows用户登录的时候自动启动,配合"Auto Start Mapping"勾选框开机启动后可以自动最小化到系统托盘图标,取消勾选框则取消开机登录自动启动。 *v1.3.0 -> 版本开始支持"SaveMapData"可以将多个程序的不同键盘映射配置都保存到"keymapdata.ini"文...
text 33.06 KB | None | 0 0 raw download clone embed print report MCRC=D7AF959A MVersion=1.1.5 RunAHKKeymapper(method) { Global ahkDefaultProfile,ahkFEProfile,ahkRomProfile,ahkEmuProfile,ahkSystemProfile,ahkRocketLauncherProfile,ahkLauncherPath,ahkLauncherExe,keymapperFrontEndProfile Global ...