※使用QKeyMapper强烈建议开启Windows系统的筛选键,避免持续按下键盘按键时候Windows系统不停发送同一个按键,会引发各种按键映射功能的不可预知问题。 Win10系统筛选键开启方式Windows设置 -> 轻松使用 -> 键盘 -> 筛选键 Win10 筛选键 Win11系统筛选键开启方式设置 -> 辅助功能 -> 键盘 -> 筛选键 Win11 筛选键 ...
According to the developer of KeyMapper, it has been designed using the key scan codes for Windows 7. But it can still be used on Windows 10 or even Windows 11. I tested it on Windows 10 64-bit and it seems to work very well for all sorts of key mappings. You can download KeyMappe...
{ ; Converting decimal values to hex since windows uses the hex value more often offset := 0 Loop, 2 { SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex ret := NumGet(&joybank,offset,"UShort") ret .= "" SetFormat, IntegerFast, d ; Remove the 0x we don't need it and padding it with 0's to have...
1.Display a ProcessList of visible windows for select process name & title to match the current ForegroundWindow. 2.Use mouse leftbutton doubleclick a row to select it to the Icon/FileName/WindowTitle area. 3.Push "KeyMappingStart" to start KeyMapping, then it will check ForegroundWindow's...