thisprogramisavailableonaprocessorchipcalledthe clipperchipandisalsoknown as thekeyescrowchip 这种程序可在一种处理器芯片上得到,该芯片称为加密芯片,通常也称为密钥托管芯片。 9. Athresholdkeyescrowsystemwithtimeboundsandananalysisofitssecurity ...
沪江词库精选key escrow是什么意思、英语单词推荐 钥匙委付将一个编码通讯或编码软件程序的钥匙妥善保管,只有政府能够在法院的认可之下取得。 相似短语 key escrow 钥匙委付将一个编码通讯或编码软件程序的钥匙妥善保管,只有政府能够在法院的认可之下取得。 escrow barter 托付易货贸易 escrow agreement 有条件转让的...
释义key escrow 钥匙委付 将一个编码通讯或编码软体程式的钥匙妥善保管,只有政府能够在法院的认可之下取得。 随便看 endless_loop end_mark end_of_address end_of_block end_of_data end_of_data_indicator end-of-data_mark end_office end-of-field_mark ...
密钥托管(Key Escrow)美国政府1993年颁布了EES标准(Escrow EncryptIonStandard),该标准体现了一种新思想,即对密钥实行法定托管代理的机制。如果向法院提供的证据表明,密码使用者是利用密码在进行危及国家安全和违反法律规定的事,经过法院许可,政府可以从托管代理机构取来密钥参数,经过合成运送,就可以直接侦听...
key escrow 钥匙委付将一个编码通讯或编码软件程序的钥匙妥善保管,只有政府能够在法院的认可之下取得。相关短语 drawbolt lock (内用把手外用钥匙开的锁) 内开锁 microcrith (一个氢原子重) 微克立司 metre candle (照度单位,一平方米上一个流明的光度) 勒克司 perturbation theory (应用数学力学中的一个重要理论...
Define key escrow. key escrow synonyms, key escrow pronunciation, key escrow translation, English dictionary definition of key escrow. n. An arrangement in which data decryption keys are placed in escrow with a third party, so that encrypted communicatio
Disclosed are various embodiments for implementing a key escrow system without disclosure of a client's encryption key to third parties. An encryption key is split into a plurality of key segments pursuant to a shared secret protocol. A plurality of peer client devices are then identified. Each ...
Carlisle Adams 19Accesses Synonyms Key recovery Definition Key escrow is a process by which something (e.g., a document, an encryption key) is delivered to a third person to be given to the grantee only upon the fulfillment of a condition. ...
Allison McCloskey Escrow Company will help you resolve your desired escrow services. Since 1946, we have participated in completing thousands of escrows.