Therefore, we use a novel signcryption technique Zheng (1997) to recover the escrow and revocation problems from the cloud/edge. We proposed "A Qu antum Sig ncryption S cheme (QuSigS) to Recover Key Escrow Problem (KEP) (Niu et al. 2009, Zhang et al. 2015, Chen and Ma 2014) and ...
We return to attribute based information sharing plan keeping in mind the end goal to fathom the key escrow issue additionally enhance the expressiveness of characteristic, so that the subsequent plan is all the more well-disposed to distributed computing applications. We propose an enhanced two-...
Mu, "How to Construct Identity-Based Signatures without the Key Escrow Problem," International Journal of Information Security, Springer Verlag, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 297-311, 2010.T. Yuen, W. Susilo, and Y. Mu. How to Construct Identity-Based Signatures without the Key Escrow Problem. ...
Certificatelesspublickeycryptographyresolvesthekeyescrowproblemandpublickeyauthenticationproblem. 无证书公钥密码体制解决了密钥托管问题和公钥认证问题。 6. Sothiswholekeyescrowdebateisabigissue that has apoliticalelementto it. 如此全部关键性的附带条件委付盖印契约辩论是一个有对它的一种政治上的元素...
The main merits of our protocol include the following: (a) it enables users from heterogeneous networks to establish upon a shared session key, (b) it can solve the key escrow problem, (c) it does not use bilinear pairings and obtains computational efficiency, and (d) it achieves stronger...
In this paper, we present the concept of certificateless public key encryption with equality test (CL-PKEET), which integrates certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC) into public key encryption with equality test (PKEET) to solve the key escrow problem of identity-based encryption with ...
1.Using gap diffie-hellman (GDH) groups, an efficient ID-based certificateless signature scheme was proposed, which could solve the key escrow problem through binding two partially public keys with a same identity.通过利用gap diffie-hellman(GDH)群,提出了一种高效的基于ID的无证书签名方案,该方案通过...
Define key escrow. key escrow synonyms, key escrow pronunciation, key escrow translation, English dictionary definition of key escrow. n. An arrangement in which data decryption keys are placed in escrow with a third party, so that encrypted communicatio
Abstract Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) has very appealing features, namely it does not require any public key certification (cf. traditional Public Key Cryptography) nor having key escrow problem (cf. Identity-Based Cryptography). However, it does suffer to the Denial-of-Decryptio...
“Certificateless Public Key Cryptography” has very appealing features, namely it does not require any public key certification (cf. traditional Public Key Cryptography) nor having key escrow problem (cf. Identity-Based Cryptography). Unfortunately, construction of Certificateless Public Key Encryption (...