How to do a kettlebell swing The first thing to remember before doing a kettlebell swing is that the swing part of the movement comes from a hip hinge movement, not your arms. Think of your hips as the hinge in the movement — your lower body stays glued to the ground, with your we...
improving flexibility and building stamina. wink wink. ready to swing? start with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart and focus on the hip hinge movement to swing the kettlebell upwards. “it’s the snap of the hips and the swing of the kettlebell, not the other way around,”...
Allow the kettlebell to swing down and back through your legs keeping your back flat and, again, hinging only at the hip. “Focus on the tension in your glutes and core at the top of the movement,” advises Joseph to maximise the benefit....
How to Perform:Secure a resistance band to a low anchor, loop it around the kettlebell, and perform a standard kettlebell swing by driving your hips forward. At the top of the swing, a partner applies a downward push, adding extra force for you to control during the descent. Benefits:This...
Kettlebell workout: Cardio/Lower-Body 15 x Regular Kettlebell Swing Moderate-Heavy weight This move has been named the ‘single most perfect exercise’ and there are many reasons why. It burns a tremendous number of calories, scorches fat, improves endurance, strengthens your muscle mass, and pr...
You do not need much space to exercise with kettlebells– just enough room to swing it between your legs. Kettebell exercises work the muscles that burn the most fat. The largest muscles in the body are the glutes (butt muscles). These require the most energy to function. So exercising ...
The kettlebell swing teaches your body to be strong while the spine is moving into end ranges that can be dangerous—deep hip flexion, when the lower back is at risk of rounding, and hip extension, when the spine may hyperextend. Get comfortable in these positions, and you’ll keep your...
7 Kettlebell swing benefits “Over the last decade or so, kettlebell exercise has enjoyed a successful reintroduction into the fitness industry. This has been based around exercises that are predominantly ballistic, are technically relatively simple, and tend to involve the whole body; exercise...
Kettlebell Two Arm Swing Workout This is a good tutorial for one of the basic kettlebell moves: the two arm swing. This exercises the hips, thighs, glutes, hamstrings, back and shoulders. Concentrate on keeping the movements fluid and aim for perfect form all the time. ...
Kettlebell Swing Benefits –Builds high level of cardiovascular endurance –Builds a strong, lean body head to toe –Get in shape fast with one of the easiest workout routines –Very safe and time efficient workout –Is a full body workout ...