Kettlebell练习:#3 - Kettlebell Goblet Squat 下蹲是我们身体的基本运动模式,因此自由深蹲应该是每次锻炼的核心。然而,下蹲的运动模式非常复杂,因为许多关节和肌肉群必须相互作用,特别是如果通过额外的重量使运动更加困难。Goblet Squat是一种简单的深蹲变体,可以帮助您安全地学习如何正确地执行下蹲。 第一组位置:从正确...
Squeeze through the glutes and swing until your arms are parallel to the floor. Return to the start under control, being careful not to round or hyper-extend the back. Emphasis: Don't shrug your shoulders or flex your elbows to attempt to extend range of motion - the hips should drive ...
* 壶铃摇摆Swing * 换手壶铃摇摆Hand-to-Hand Swing * 单手壶铃摇摆One-Arm Swing * 土耳其起立Turkish Get-Up * 双手壶铃摇摆Double Kettlebell Swing * 壶铃翻Kettlebell Clean * 双壶铃深蹲Double Kettlebell Squat * 壶铃推举Military Press 除了技术动作,你还将学习到哪些内容? * 壶铃训练动作的安全法则 * 全...
Known as your lats for short, this muscle is located on the aide of your upper back. Lat engagement depends on how forcefully you swing the weight downward. Deltoids While most of the power in kettlebell swings comes from your lower body, yourupper bodygets in on the act too. You can ...
Two Handed Swingx 15 reps Goblet Squatx 10 reps Watch this 4 minute kettlebell workout no 2. below: Kettlebell Workout No. 3 Single Handed Swing– left x 15 reps Single Handed Swing– right x 15 reps Reverse Lunge– left x 10 reps ...
The swing has also been shown to be as effective at building strength as other training methods. (2) Sure, you use less weight than with adeadliftor asquat, but the dynamic performance of the swing improves intermuscular connection, continuous muscular recruitment and acceleration, as well as ...
'Try to remember that your arms are only 10 percent of the swing, you use your hips to give the bell acceleration,' Kanski adds. Bending in the hips too early. When you do that, it becomes more of a squat motion. Bending in the hips too late. This makes the move too 'hingey.'...
Today we are focusing solely on the Russian-style kettlebell swing. They are going to be the foundation for which everything else is built. It’s also the most effective and safe way to learn this exercise. Plus, once you get this down, you’ll be able to move on to the other variat...
The kettlebell swing has a lot more in common with a deadlift than a squat, as it relies on hip hinge mechanics—the ability to bend purely at the hips and drive your butt backward while keeping a long spine. Here’s how Onnit’s Chief Fitness Officer says you should do a kettlebell ...
Think of your hips as the hinge in the movement — your lower body stays glued to the ground, with your weight back through your heels, and your torso moves forward and back to swing the weight. The major muscles worked are along the back of the body — this is not a squat and li...