And while the ketogenic diet is great for some individuals, it’s important to remember it’s not for everyone. It may be less suitable for elite athletes or very active individuals looking to improve muscle mass or high-intensity training.👇...
Whether your goal is weight loss, maintenance, or muscle gain, your protein intake on a ketogenic diet remains the same.It's only the amount of fat you adjust based on your overall calorie needs. Adequate protein intake is critical for preserving muscle mass, especially when you're in a ca...
That sounds complicated, but it comes down to 75-100 grams of protein per day for most people, and between 25-40 grams of protein per meal (depending on how many meals per day you’re eating). Meeting this goal will make weight loss and muscle gain (or maintenance) much easier. KetoV...
Like every diet, you can absolutely do any of these diets and still gain weight and get unhealthier – so they each come with caveats, and require you to understand the food you’re putting in your body. Deal? Deal.Here’s an otter with a baby otter, you’ve earned it: How Do I ...
Ketosis and the Keto Diet "Keto" diets are popular weight loss programs that promote ketosis.In addition to helping you burn fat, ketosis can make you feel less hungry. It also helps you keep muscle. A common sign that you've achieved ketosis is a particular smell to your breath. (Photo...
A keto diet emphasizes little carb intake and high amounts of fat, but that doesn’t mean all high-fat foods stack-up for what your body needs to lose weight, gain muscle, or thrive. Calorie control still matters, so no matter what snack you choose, make sure you are keeping an eye...
And in case you’re wondering who would want to gain weight on a keto diet, the short answer is athletes and bodybuilders. The weight these categories want to gain is mostly muscle mass, and their calories should come from all three macronutrients at different proportions. However, a rare ...
Ketosis and the Keto Diet "Keto" diets are popular weight loss programs that promote ketosis.In addition to helping you burn fat, ketosis can make you feel less hungry. It also helps you keep muscle. A common sign that you've achieved ketosis is a particular smell to your breath. (Photo...
Martina @ KetoDiet 7 years ago # Reply Thank you Rubie. I did point that out and emphasised the importance of muscle gain over weight loss, but as I explained here, I can only point people to the right direction: Low-Carb Experts Anita Sharbudeen 9 years ago # Reply Hi Martina, ...
Your fitness and health goals (for example, bodybuilders may experience more muscle gain from a cyclical ketogenic diet versus a standard keto diet) If you’re not already a keto pro, you can calculate your personal optimal macronutrient ratios by using thisketogenic calculator. ...