当Practice test score为27分,即最终120分,则口语通过;当Practice test score为41分,即最终140分,则口语卓越。🔶KET口语考试题型1️⃣Speaking Part 1考生需要回答关于自己个人信息的一些问题。🟩步骤1. 问候并进行介绍2. 个人信息问答3. 根据话题提问日常生活类话题...
Function = Grammar + Vocabulary 词汇和语法的学习是为了场景应用服务,不是孤立地学,也不是学了不知道...
剑桥MSE的A2级别有两种考试,一个是Key English Test (KET,即标准版),一个是Key English Test for Schools (KET for Schools,即校园版)。按官方说法,两种考试的难度是一样的,只是校园版中的考试题材更贴近于在校学习的学生。简单说,标...
Check for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Practice regularly. The more you practice writing, the better you will become at it. 中文回答: KET 写作答题模板。 引言。 Key English Test (KET) 是一项国际英语水平考试,专为达到欧洲语言共同参考框架 (CEFR) 中级水平 (A2) 的学习者而...
VOCABULARYLIST KeyEnglishTest(KET) KeyEnglishTestforSchools(KETfS) KETVocabularyList ?UCLES2012 ?UCLES ?UCLES2012 PagePAGE2of29 KETVocabularyList IntroductiontotheKETVocabularyList TheKETVocabularyListgivesteachersaguidetothevocabularyneededwhenpreparingstudentsfortheKETandKETforSchoolsexaminations. ...
To overcome these challenges, I need to practice grammar exercises and expand my vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and other English materials regularly. Mistake 4: Writing Section In the writing section, I struggled with time management and organizing my ideas effectively. Due to the time ...
Click here to see further practice at A2 level.When can I take the test? Arrange with your closest test centre. You can do the test in two formats: paper-based or computer-based. There are more frequent dates for computer-based exams. The KEY exam can be taken approximately once a ...
Online practice test 在线测试 练习册的最后一页有配套CD的使用说明,主要有四步: 1、打开电脑 2、确保电脑联网 3、把CD放入电脑 4、会跳出两个选项,单机进入测试 进入测试网页后我该做什么? 1、选择语言 2、点击“I am a s...
The KET Speaking Test aims to assess the test-taker's ability to communicate in basic English language situations. By understanding the scoring criteria, test-takers can prepare effectively and focus on improving specific areas of their speaking skills. With proper preparation and practice, individuals...
不确定娃的水平适合学KET还是PET的,可以到剑桥国际英语能力测评官网给出的模拟测试网址进行测试👉:http://www.cambridgeenglish.cn/test-your-english/(进入网页后,选择“For Schools”,就可以开始测试了)。 或者扫描下方二维码,进入“小花生剑桥...