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Grammar Friends牛津语法朋友是牛津大学出版社出版的语法系列教材,专为英语非母语国家的孩子编写的英语语法教材,内容活跃,不枯燥,将语法点融入看似平常的内容中,以简单有趣的方式介绍语法形式,用法和意义,即使是语法启蒙阶段,也能理解
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Beginner to upper-intermediate level (A1-C1) PDF grammar eBooks that you can download / print to use for your classes. Find the free sections for each of our eBooks below and see how they fit your classes. (including the children's English eBooks) These eBooks will save you a lot of ...
★Present and past现在时与过去时 ★Present perfect and past 现在完成时与过去完成时 ★Future 将来...
Exercise 12同样是填空题的形式,但难度进一步增加,学生需要结合语境和上下文,选词填空,这十分符合KET/PET考试的语法考题类型。 举个例子,第5题"Our grandfather smiled when we waved at ___"(当我们向祖父挥手的时候他笑了),根据语法知识需要选择宾格形式的him。 Learning...
3 Leading-logs to all orders A natural set of observables for a DS phase of cosmology are in-in correlators (i.e. computed with the same quantum state in both bra and ket) of products of local operators in the late-time limit. However, performing an experiment to test this regime ...