Main DPSSub DPSBufferShielder KeqingFischl Kaedehara Kazuha Sucrose Bennett This build focuses on a double attack buff for ourKeqingandFischl, adding inPyroandAnemoreactions to help round out the build. We gain another advantage from runningViridescent Venereron our Anemo flex role, which will shr...
Sub stats: Attack Crit rate/crit damage (try to maintain a 1:2 ratio) Elemental masteryWhat are the best Keqing team comps?Keqing can provide some electro application, but she really excels as a DPS when supported by other characters. She can slot into quite a few different types of ...
Just choose the artifact between them with the best substats. Don't build more than 200 EM for Aggravate. Goblet: Electro or Physical DMG% Bonus Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG For every CRIT-appreciating character, aim for 75 CR; 150 CD. If you cannot hit these numbers, a 1;...
So we’ve covered Klee’s strengths, weaknesses, and considerations that need to be made when building a team. It is important to stress that despite not having access to an amazingly synergistic Sub DPS teammate currently,Klee does have synergy with strong supports who often appear as the co...
Depending on substats, a 2pc + 2pc mixed set can even outperform the 4pc sets.They are more effective in teams filled with multiple off-field DPS units such as Overvape, since Yoimiya’s personal performance is less important for the team’s DPS. 4pc Marechaussee Hunter 4pc Marechaussee...
Assumptions: C0 Albedo Level 90, Talents 9/9/9, 4Husk DEF/Geo/CRIT, KQM Standard substats.1 Solar Isotoma hit, 10 Transient Blossom procs, (1 Tectonic Tide hit, 3 Fatal Blossom hits), no ER requirement*Weapon % R5 HoD w/Burst % R5 HoD w/o Burst Notes Cinnabar Spindle 111.3%(...