Main DPSSub DPSBufferShielder KeqingFischl Kaedehara Kazuha Sucrose Bennett This build focuses on a double attack buff for ourKeqingandFischl, adding inPyroandAnemoreactions to help round out the build. We gain another advantage from runningViridescent Venereron our Anemo flex role, which will shr...
Main stats: Goblet: Electro damage bonus, attack Sands: Attack Circlet: AttackSub stats: Attack Crit rate/crit damage (try to maintain a 1:2 ratio) Elemental masteryWhat are the best Keqing team comps?Keqing can provide some electro application, but she really excels as a DPS when ...
Not much is different from the Aggravate build, other than ignoring EM and focusing on ATK, Electro DMG, and CRIT stats. Physical DPS: Generally competitive with the generic Electro DPS, but restricts herself to Superconduct teams. Physical DPS's have gotten much worse since Genshin I...
Main Role: Buffer, Overloaded Team Enabler, HealerSecondary Role: Quickswap DPS (with Bennett)Weapon: Favonius Lance, Dialogues of the Desert Sages, Rightful Reward (at C6), Black Tassel, DPS-oriented Polearms (for DPS Build)Artifact Set: 4pc Noblesse Oblige, 4pc Song of Days Past, 4pc ...
However with Main DPS Reaction teams, Elemental Mastery is just as important as ATK% for sub stats, and can be used on the Timepiece as the main stat if you have very strong sub stats. Emphasis on very strong, even in Reaction teams Klee performs a lot of non Reaction damage, and ther...
Rotation: When playing Albedo in an Itto team, the highest DPS rotation is Gorou E Q > Albedo E > Itto Q. The alternative, Gorou E > Albedo E > Gorou Q > Itto Q, gives slightly more damage to Itto. However, this rotation is less optimal because it doesn’t allow Albedo to snap...