The Triple Crown is a prestigious achievement in American Thoroughbred horse racing, consisting of three iconic races: Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. Since its inception in 1919, only 13 horses have managed to capture the Triple Crown, with the most recent winner being Just...
The Triple Crown is a prestigious achievement in American Thoroughbred horse racing, consisting of three iconic races:KentuckyDerby,PreaknessStakes, andBelmontStakes. Since its inception in 1919, only 13 horses have managed to capture the Triple Crown, with the most recent winner being Justify in ...
Two more horses died in the hours before 15-1 shot Mage won the Kentucky Derby by a length, making it seven in all and casting a shadow over the 149th edition of the world's most famous race. Early favorite Forte was scratched in the morning because of a
LOS ANGELES - Medina Spirit, the Kentucky Derby-winning horse that failed a drug test afterward and cast a cloud over the victory, died Monday during a workout at Santa Anita race track. "Following the completion of a routine morning workout, Medina Spirit collapsed on the track at Santa ...
The TODAY anchor introduced her daughter to the biggest horse racing event of the year, the Kentucky Derby, on Saturday. We can’t see Haley Joy’s face, but we bet she got a kick out of seeing the horses on TV! “Haley’s first derby,” Hoda pointed out. ...
Reed endured a tragedy five years ago when he lost nearly two dozen horses in a barn fire at his training center in Lexington. Leon's rail ride was reminiscent of jockey Calvin Borel's stealth move aboard Mine That Bird in 2009. Mine That Bird sprang what was then the Derby&...
Generally, these followed one of three themes: Ian Maxwell, owner of Point Hope Shipyard and Ralmax, wants to own the property so eventually he can build condos (righteous applause); Victoria has housing and other problems affecting its most needy, so everything the city does should address ...
The following are the current William Hill odds to win the Kentucky Derby for horses below 100-1. Horse Odds Tiz the Law 4-1 Nadal 4-1 Charlatan 9-2 Authentic 5-1 Maxfield 10-1 Honor A. P. 12-1 Sole Volante 12-1 Basin 20-1 Dennis' Moment 20-1 King Guillermo 20-1 Mr. Monomo...
Generally, these followed one of three themes: Ian Maxwell, owner of Point Hope Shipyard and Ralmax, wants to own the property so eventually he can build condos (righteous applause); Victoria has housing and other problems affecting its most needy, so everything the city does should address ...