The Triple Crown is a prestigious achievement in American Thoroughbred horse racing, consisting of three iconic races: Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. Since its inception in 1919, only 13 horses have managed to capture the Triple Crown, with the most recent winner being Just...
The Triple Crown is a prestigious achievement in American Thoroughbred horse racing, consisting of three iconic races:KentuckyDerby,PreaknessStakes, andBelmontStakes. Since its inception in 1919, only 13 horses have managed to capture the Triple Crown, with the most recent winner being Justify in ...
Two more horses died in the hours before 15-1 shot Mage won the Kentucky Derby by a length, making it seven in all and casting a shadow over the 149th edition of the world's most famous race. Early favorite Forte was scratched in the morning because of a
Medina Spirit's hall-of-fame trainer Bob Baffer is considered a legend by some for winning races with the horses he had trained. Others, like Marty Irby, the Director of Animal Alliance who has been working for years on national legislation improving the horse racing industry, calls...
The TODAY anchor introduced her daughter to the biggest horse racing event of the year, the Kentucky Derby, on Saturday. We can’t see Haley Joy’s face, but we bet she got a kick out of seeing the horses on TV! “Haley’s first derby,” Hoda pointed out. ...