Kent State University Press > 出版社简介 基本信息 肯特州立大学(Kent State University)是中国教育部首批认可推荐的美国百年名校之一,《华盛顿周刊》全美大学总排名56名,《美国新闻和世界报道》总排名第201名(2014版本)[1]。该校建校于1910年,由八个校区构成,在校学生近35000人,中国留学生500多人。肯特是全美...
Frisky, industrious black squirrels are a familiar sight on the Kent State University campus and the inspiration for Black Squirrel Books®, a trade imprint of The Kent State University Press. The CompleteFunky Winkerbean,Volume 12, 2005–2007 ...
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(Kent: Kent State University Press, 1991. xiv + 472 pp. $35.00, ISBN 0-87338-426-1.) Reform and Revolution: The Life and Times of Raymond Robins - 1991 by Neil V. Salzman. Read Reform and Revolution: The Life and Times of Raymond Robins now at Questia. JR Maddox - 《History ...
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. 1990. Pp. xiii, 282. $27.50 lawrence b. goodheart. Abolitionist, Actuary, Atheist: Elizur Wright and the Reform Impulse. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. 1990. Pp. xiii, 282. $27.50Lawrence Goodheart's biography of Elizur Wright offers an...
The Kent State University Press About: Lincoln A. Mitchell Profile: Lincoln A. Mitchell is a scholar and writer in New York City. He is an adjunct research scholar at Columbia University’s Arnold A. Salesman Institute of War and Peace Studies and the author of four books, most recently... #498 トップウェブサイトを見る トラフィックとエンゲージメント kentstateuniversitypress.comは、 December 2024 49njrvs.tripod.comと比較して合計訪問数が多かった。 過去3か月の総訪問数 OctNovDec 03.8K7.5K
Bert Bender, Evolution and "the Sex Problem": American Narratives during the Eclipse of Darwinism, illustrated by Tony Angell (Kent and London: Kent State University Press, 2004, $59.95). Pp. 416. ISBN 0 87338 809 7. 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 ...