Kent State University Press > 出版社简介 基本信息 肯特州立大学(Kent State University)是中国教育部首批认可推荐的美国百年名校之一,《华盛顿周刊》全美大学总排名56名,《美国新闻和世界报道》总排名第201名(2014版本)[1]。该校建校于1910年,由八个校区构成,在校学生近35000人,中国留学生500多人。肯特是全美...
The Kent State University Press About: Michael E. Chapman Profile: Michael E. Chapman is associate professor of history at Peking University. He has published several journal articles and books, includingLessons of the War in SpainandThesis Writer’s Guide. He divides his time between Beijing ...
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AT 25 YEARS: KENT STATE UNIVERSITYKeller, Dean HAlex GildzenKent State University Press
Frisky, industrious black squirrels are a familiar sight on the Kent State University campus and the inspiration for Black Squirrel Books®, a trade imprint of The Kent State University Press. The CompleteFunky Winkerbean,Volume 12, 2005–2007 ...
public affairs science social sciences and humanities add to list kent state university graduate programs kent state university is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by u.s. news on an annual basis. kent state university confers degrees through various schools, such as...
Pity, Power, and Tolkien's Ring_ To Rule the Fate of Many-The Kent State University Press (2023) 下载积分:7000 内容提示: To Rule the Fate of ManyThomas P. HillmanPity, Power, and Tolkien’s RingPity, Power, and Tolkien’s Ring 文档格式:PDF | 页数:322 | 浏览次数:1 | 上传日期:...
Negandhi, Editor, Interorganization theory, The Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio (1975), p. 283 In: Anant R. Negandhi, Editor, Interorganization theory, The Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio (1975), p. 283niecałkowity rząd... Kirchhoff, Bruce A. - 《Pomiary Automatyka ...
Salzman. Kent State University Press, 1991 Read preview Down These Mean Streets a Man Must Go: Raymond Chandler's Knight Philip Durham. University of North Ca... G Hanson - 《History Reviews of New Books》 被引量: 0发表: 1993年 加载更多...
Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. 1990. Pp. xii, 222. $27.5 Reviews the books `The Invisible Empire in the West,' by Shawn Lay, `Citizen Klansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana,' by Leonard J. Moore, `Steel Valley Klan: The Ku Klux Klan in Ohio's Mahoning Valley,' by ...