Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenged the way we educate our children, championing a radical rethink of how our school systems cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence. 创新力专家肯·罗宾逊爵士对我们教育孩子的方式提出了挑战,倡导对我们的学校系统如何培养创造力和承认多种...
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenged the way we educate our children, championing a radical rethink of how our school systems cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence. Sir Ken Robinson's resource list Learn more BOOK You, Your Child, and S...
【TED演讲】学校是如何抹杀创造力的(英文字幕) How schools kill creativity by Ken Robinson û 141 8 ñ132 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Do schools kill creativity? Twelve years after Sir Ken Robinson posed this question to the TED audience, head of TED Chris Anderson sits down with Sir Ken to dig in to the changes and progress that have been made in education. This talk was presented at an official TED conference. ...
英国华威大学教育学教授肯·罗宾逊(Ken Robinson)曾在TED大会上做过一个题为《学校扼杀创造力》的主题演讲,这次演讲成了 TED 历史上最受关注的演讲之一,全世界约有 3 亿人观看过这场演讲。 关于建立培养创造力,Ken Robinson发表了...
第PAGE 1 页共 8 页【演讲者及介绍】Sir Ken Robinson Sir Ken Robinson通过一个有趣且感人的案例,启示我们如何创建一个培养,而不是削弱创造力的教育体系。 【演讲主题】学校会扼杀创造力吗? Do schools kill creativity 【中英文字幕】 翻译者Congmei Han 校对者Zoe Chen I have an interest in education. ...
每周1 讲:Do schools kill creativity? by Sir Ken Robinson 每周 1 讲 -Speech- 今天推荐的演讲是 Sir Ken Robinson 的第一次 TED Talk,叫“Do Schools Kill Creativity?“这是历史上播放量最大的 TED Talk。当然播放量最大也是有理...
Robinson argues that modern education is fundamentally flawed — that it squanders young people’s potential and narrowly defines intelligence in ways that crush creativity. His message is aimed at adults (and nearly 32 million have now watched it). But his points are about us. They’re about...
Robinson, K. (2006). Sir Ken Robinson - How schools kill creativity. [Video file]. Retrieved from _says_schools_kill_creativityRobinson, K. (2006). "Do schools kill creativity?" presented at the annual TEDxMidatlantic, Long Beach, California, Feb, ...
by Sir Ken Robinson 每周 1 讲 -Speech- 今天推荐的演讲是 Sir Ken Robinson 的第一次 TED Talk,叫“Do Schools Kill Creativity?“ 这是历史上播放量最大的 TED Talk。当然播放量最大也是有理由的,它真的特别棒!既有趣,又能让我们思考。这次演讲发生在 2006 年,那时候 TED 还不是现在家喻户晓的 TED...