Robinson argues that modern education is fundamentally flawed — that it squanders young people’s potential and narrowly defines intelligence in ways that crush creativity. His message is aimed at adults (and nearly 32 million have now watched it). But his points are about us. They’re about ...
注册 TED: Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity (english subs) 788 人观看 9年前 30 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Pushkov Alexander 74个粉丝 其它视频 14:07 Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator (TED) 66 人观看 ...
Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity the 51 closest items in Pearltrees Come on in! Join Pearltrees, it's quick and it's free Join Pearltrees Log in Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity How to: Leading high-performing teams - Inspired Executives 201 Ways to Arouse ...