其中,Keil MDK(Microcontroller Development Kit)是Keil推出的一套集成开发环境(IDE),用于开发基于ARM处理器的嵌入式应用程序。 μVision(MicroVision)是Keil MDK的核心组件,是一个强大的集成开发环境,提供了代码编辑、编译、调试、仿真和烧录等功能。μVision作为Keil MDK的前端工具,为用户提供了友好的图形界面和便捷的...
Maybe I have bad settings when I download program in the STR7.. I'm really lost with this stuff. Could you some advices concerning settings in microvision 3, to be sure I do correct things? Thanks for your help Cancel Vote up 0 Vote down Cancel 0 antoine KEHRLI over 18 years ago...
Hello I am using microVision2 V2.40. When I'm trying to open the project file I have a following get this message Can't read project project file 'ProjectFileName'!. Anyone had similar problems? Top replies rkopschover 4 years ago+2verified ...
Hello I am using microVision2 V2.40. When I'm trying to open the project file I have a following get this message Can't read project project file 'ProjectFileName'!. Anyone had similar problems? Top replies rkopschover 4 years ago+2verified ...
I have made most of the changes to the source code and drivers as needed but i am unable to download the code into my board. I am using Segger JLink Plus debugger and Keil microvision IDE. It appears to be some type of project configuration issue pertaining to the RAM a...
https://www.keil.com/Download and install the official software package again. The problem is ok! 3. Another possibility is that the installation path is not the default C-drive path, and the software is installed in the defaul...
step3. 根據選擇的編譯模式,把相應的庫檔案(如 Small 模式時,是 Keil\C51\Lib\C51S.Lib)加入工程中,該檔案必須作為工 程的最後檔案; step4. build這個工程後將會產生一個CFUNC.SRC的檔案,將這個檔案改名為CFUNC.A51(也可以通過編譯選項直接產生CFUNC.A51文 ...
I have made most of the changes to the source code and drivers as needed but i am unable to download the code into my board. I am using Segger JLink Plus debugger and Keil microvision IDE. It appears to be some type of project configuration issue pertaining to ...
Cancel Up 0 Down Cancel 0 Rajagopalan Srinivasan over 7 years ago in reply to Andy Neil with our earlier setup dating back 10 years (Microvision 3.3), we did not have the issue. the code itself had been running without issues. Cancel Up 0 Down Cancel ...