其中,Keil MDK(Microcontroller Development Kit)是Keil推出的一套集成开发环境(IDE),用于开发基于ARM处理器的嵌入式应用程序。 μVision(MicroVision)是Keil MDK的核心组件,是一个强大的集成开发环境,提供了代码编辑、编译、调试、仿真和烧录等功能。μVision作为Keil MDK的前端工具,为用户提供了友好的图形界面和便捷的...
Hello I am using microVision2 V2.40. When I'm trying to open the project file I have a following get this message Can't read project project file 'ProjectFileName'!. Anyone had similar problems? Top replies rkopschover 4 years ago+2verified ...
Hello I am using microVision2 V2.40. When I'm trying to open the project file I have a following get this message Can't read project project file 'ProjectFileName'!. Anyone had similar problems? Top replies rkopschover 4 years ago+2verified ...
step2. 在 Project 視窗中包含彙編代碼的 C 檔案上右鍵,選擇“Options for ...”,點擊右邊的“Generate Assembler SRC File”和“Assemble SRC File”,使檢查框由灰色變成黑色(有效)狀態; step3. 根據選擇的編譯模式,把相應的庫檔案(如 Small 模式時,是 Keil\C51\Lib\C51S.Lib)加入工程中,該檔案必須作為工...
2. If the registration success has not resolved the problem, then the software is downloaded on the Internet cracked version, it is recommended to uninstall. Go to official website https://www.keil.com/Download and install the o...