keil监控数组变量 最近在debug在线调试中遇到了一个问题,就是在watch窗口中添加了一个变量或者数组,数组不能展开,value显示cannot evaluate。但是有些时候数组能展开,而且能显示值。 进一步查阅资料知道了产生几个问题的原因。 (对于如何添加变量那些可以参考我最后贴上的文章) 目录 一.显示cannot evaluate的问题 方案1...
现在的情况是进入硬件DEBUG后,可以观察寄存器内容,但就是WATCH中显示"CANNOT EVALUATE",连变量类型都是...
Call Stack+Locals(调用栈与局部变量):程序暂停运行之后可以观察当前函数的调用关系,以及对应内部局部变量的值(跳出被调用函数以后,这些局部变量会消失)。 Watch(监视):任何时刻都可以查看任何变量和任何寄存器。但是对于局部变量,当其作用完成并消失后,会显示”cannot evaluate”。对比Call Stack+Locates,Watch可以查看寄...
Debug 方法 目的/作用 加printf函数: 将所需内容打印出来。 设置断点: 单步执行以寻找BUG所在行 Watch串口: 监控变量在某时间点的值 Register: 溢出等问题 Memory: 内存地址 按键: Reset-这个按钮用于将单片机复位的(类似于用复位按键复位),复位之后程序回到最开始处,即复位中断处理函数处 ...
Configuring, Testing and Using the on-board NXP LPC-Link2 Debug Adapter: Debugging Cortex-M4 Example Program: Cortex-M0+ runs free 1. Open, Compile and RUN the Project: 2. Viewing printf Messages: 3. Watch Window: Debugging both Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M0+ 1. Debugging Both Cores: 2. ...
1. The project Blinky.uvprojx should still be open and is still in Debug mode and either running or stopped. 2. Right click on delay_val in Blinky.c and select Add 'delay_val' to … and select Logic Analyzer. The LA will open. TIP: An error message saying delay_val cannot be ...
One reason to use it is the excellent debug support that we have for Karate. Maven Karate is designed so that you can choose between the Apache or Jersey HTTP client implementations. So you need two <dependencies>: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>karate-apache...
Select Target Options or ALT-F7 and select the Debug tab: 4. Select CMSIS-DAP Debugger as shown here: 5. Click on Settings: and the window below opens up: Select SW in the Port box as shown below. An IDCODE and Device name will then be displayed indicating connection to the Core...