Selected:实际频率 调试设置(Debug) 连接跟复位设置(Connect & Reset Options) Connect:连接设置,Normal Reset:复位设置 Reset after Connect:连接后复位,不勾选时可以在进入调试时不中断当前设备运行。 缓存设置(Cache Options) Cache Code:缓存代码,通知调试器已经下载的程序代码不会改变,选中的话uVision将不会从目...
Debug:调试选项栏 调试适配器(Debug Adapter) Unit:当前连接的烧录器设备,当同时连有多个设备时,这里可以切换选择。如果这里没有可选设备,说明当前电脑未识别到烧录器设备。 Serial:设备 Version FW:固件版本 HW:硬件版本号 目标通信(Target Com) Port:端口类型,可以选择SW或JTAG接口,如果用的是Nucleo开发板,这里选...
本文开始介绍了KeilμVision4和KeilμVision5,其次阐述了keil4和keil5的最大区别,最后详细介绍了Keil5安装激活教程。 2018-04-09 14:51:17 如何安装Keil5 提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档文章目录目录文章目录一、Keil5的安装1.安装包的使用二、Keil5的破解1.引入库2.读入数据总...
20-pin Cortex debug + ETM Trace (0.05 inch) LPC1857FET256 ARM Cortex-M3 processor, running at CPU frequencies of up to 180 MHz ARM Cortex-M3 built-in Memory Protection Unit (MPU) supporting eight regions ARM Cortex-M3 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) Non-maskable Interrup...
In the debug tab, I see CMSIS-DAP Debugger already chosen but on pressing setting gives "The selected device has no configuration option." posted byalbert dane20 Feb 2014 Please try this :-) ...
1211FLYNNRD.,UNIT#104 CAMARILLO,CA93012,U.S.A PHONE805•383•3682 UM-C-EmuDiag4. Diagnostics series Introduction EmuDiagallowsyoutotesttheconnectionbetweenyourcompundthe emulatoraswellasupdatetheemulatorfirmware.Additionally,theprogramcan ...
Details about the selected CPU, mode, and memory model are included. These indicate the default memory model libraries included in the linkage. If floating-point math is used, the floating-point libraries are included as well. CPU MODE: 8051 MODE MEMORY MODEL: SMALL WITH FLOATING POINT ARITHMET...
1211FLYNNRD.,UNIT#104 CAMARILLO,CA93012,U.S.A PHONE805ï383ï3682 TableofContents Introduction1 ConnectingEmulatortoCortex-M3Board1 OverviewofCortex-M3TraceArchitecture2 JTAGjet-TraceandTraceS/WComponents4 DemoPrograms4 EnablingCortex-M3Trace6 ...
After that, the example opened correctly. From here, first I selected the target flexspi_nor_debug. Then I compiled the application. Once the application is compiled without errors, I load it into my EVK. Finally, I launched the debug session. ...