set sashelp.class(keep = _numeric_); *只读入数值型变量; run; drop语句的用法和keep一样,套着用就行,另外drop=选项的效率也高于drop语句。 retain语句《不可执行的语句》retains values from the previous iteration of the DATA step 这个比较重要了,我先解释下sas的运行机制 sas的data步和run语句之间其实...
Keep is the keyword and it acts as the SAS statement to write the variables that must be declared already on more than one dataset. It can be called in everywhere and anywhere of SAS datasets, without a keep statement means all the datasets are created under the data step that includes al...
retain语句《不可执行的语句》retains values from the previous iteration of the DATA step 这个比较重要了,我先解释下sas的运行机制 sas的data步和run语句之间其实是一个循环,比如当使用set语句的时候,每次set一条观测,一直运行到run;再返回程序开头,继续set第二条观测值,一直将数据集的观测值读取完。 系统每读...
data want; merge have (where=(type='136') in=wanted) have; by account_number; if wanted=1; run; The WANTED dummy variable will be a 1 for all account numbers in have that include at least 1 instance of "136". That's due to the way a MERGE statement followed by a BY s...
West Midlands Police uses SAS data management software to correct, match database records As the second largest police force in the United Kingdom, West Midlands Police serves a population of more than 2.6 million people, covering the areas of Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton. The agency ...
This is a continuation of the previous article,Tipping Point Analysis in Multiple Imputation Using SAS. In the last post, we talked about the tipping point analysis in monotone imputation, but how to implement TPA in MCMC imputation since theMNARstatement can only support the shift adjustment in...
“Over a 12-month period, around 9 million contacts were made with customers as part of the Check-In campaign.” Moore says Telstra’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data continues to improve. “SAS has not only helped us to understand what we have and where we could go, but it ...
Then starting the first step, here I choose the MCMC full-data imputation with impute=full and specify the BY statement to obtain the separate imputed datasets in the treatment group. And I also specify the seed number as well, but keep in mind that it is only defined in the first group...
Keep in mind this statement on their website: The goal of 0patch is not to micropatch every vulnerability but the important ones, such as those exploited in the wild or those without official vendor patches. That’s what I had in mind when I wondered aloud whether 0patch covers every...
See code sample below, it uses some techniques available since SAS9.2 where you can specify data sets lists and the INDSNAME= option on the SET statement. Bruno data data_2010 data_2011 data_2012 data_2013; do id = 1 to 5; source = char("ABCDEFG", id); output; end; run; data da...