set sashelp.class(keep = _numeric_); *只读入数值型变量; run; drop语句的用法和keep一样,套着用就行,另外drop=选项的效率也高于drop语句。 retain语句《不可执行的语句》retains values from the previous iteration of the DATA step 这个比较重要了,我先解释下sas的运行机制 sas的data步和run语句之间其实...
set sashelp.class(keep = _character_); *只读入字符型变量; set sashelp.class(keep = _numeric_); *只读入数值型变量; run; drop语句的用法和keep一样,套着用就行,另外drop=选项的效率也高于drop语句。 retain语句《不可执行的语句》retains values from the previous iteration of the DATA step 这个比...
Keep is the keyword and it acts as the SAS statement to write the variables that must be declared already on more than one dataset. It can be called in everywhere and anywhere of SAS datasets, without a keep statement means all the datasets are created under the data step that includes al...
The MERGE command in the data step combines two different SAS data sets, side-by-side, so now the original data, and the averages computed by PROC SUMMARY are both in a single new data step. The BY statement causes this merge operation to be done file_ref by file_ref. To get the ...
5. to continue or cause to continue: keep the beat; keep in step. 6. (tr) to have or take charge or care of: keep the shop for me till I return. 7. (tr) to look after or maintain for use, pleasure, etc: to keep chickens; keep two cars. 8. (tr) to provide for the...
在SAS的DATA步中,可以使用by分组,在处理过程中会产生两个临时变量FIRST.variable和LAST.variable,这两个临时变量的值不会写到结果集中。 这两个临时变量的赋值情况如下: 由于DATA step是按行处理每一条观测的,当一条观测为某一组的第一条记录时,那么FIRST.variable就为1,否则为0;每当一条观测为某一组的最后一...
The effects KEEP, DROP and RENAME statements of the SAS language are briefly reviewed in comparison with the corresponding KEEP=, DROP= and RENAME= data set options, including the question of whether the positioning of the statements within a DATA step is important. Performance of the data set...
West Midlands Police uses SAS data management software to correct, match database records As the second largest police force in the United Kingdom, West Midlands Police serves a population of more than 2.6 million people, covering the areas of Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton. The agency ...
在SAS中,则需要先data step或者proc step显式或者隐式申明一个dataset,然后再操作 proc print data=sashelp.class (obs=5); var Name Age Sex; run; Label variables 在R中,有comment()函数可以定义变量的labeling,但是日常适用中好似不怎么常用 在SAS中,由于临床试验中的要求,一般都会给变量设置labeling,如: ...
constantly vary its ratio helped keep the engine in its most efficient area – in contrast to step [...] 运用发动机工作效率图,Morihiro阐述 了C VT 可如何通过持续 改 变传动比 ,帮 助使发动机保持在最高效的工作范围,而相比分级式AT,甚或DCT,发动机在最佳范围运转的时间要少得...