Unfortunately for the homeowner, squirrels sometimes decide that a wooden deck, garden structure or house makes a nice chew toy. Particularly when squirrels do not have access to nuts or other hard food sources to keep their growing teeth in check, they will resort to chewing whatever they can...
Squirrels don’t particularly like the feel of mulch (especially gravel) under their feet, so add it to garden beds. When used over newly planted bulbs, it can also help disguise the scent of the fresh bulbs. You might also try laying down aluminum foil. Give them their own food. Althou...
Gather fallen fruit and nuts, and don’t leave pet food out in the yard so as not to attract animal pests such as ground squirrels and raccoons. The best way to keep critters out of your garden is to make sure they can’t get in Build A Barrier Around Your Garden Put up a garden...
It would be really helpful to people if you would post down below what has (and hasn’t) worked for you for keeping rabbits out of the garden. Thanks! Next How To Keep Deer Out Of The Garden How To Keep Squirrels Out Of The Garden Free: The Holistic Gardening HandbookPrivacy...
To keep squirrels out of your flower garden, sprinkle cat litter around the borders of the garden. Never use cat litter in your vegetable garden. Provide the squirrels with a water and food supply. When squirrels are eating the vegetables from your garden, they are usually hungry or thirsty ...
How to Deal with Nuisance Squirrels in Your Yard How to deal with landscaping damage caused by cats Cats can dig up flower beds or lawns and ruin your picture-perfect yard. If you’ve got your hands full warding them off, contactlocal lawn careorgardening pros. They can bring your yard ...
The only true way to keep squirrels out of the garden isphysical barriers. We use bird netting over hoops, which keeps squirrels out but still allows bees to pollinate. Squirrels and other rodents can squeeze through extremely tight spaces, so holes in the fencing or netting must be very sma...
You might want to keep cats out of your yard for several reasons, but let’s cover the basics. 1. Cats Kill Nature’s Critters Whether you leave seed out for squirrels or sugar water for hummingbirds, you might love feeding the wildlife around your neighborhood. If you have a stray or...
Perfume your garden with deer repellent smells I have heard that in reality, most “strong” smells will help to deter deer and even other pests like squirrels from your plants. This makes sense once you start reading through DIY deer repellent recipes and ideas. They can range from smelling...
How to Use Dog Hair to Keep Rabbits Out of Your Garden How to Keep Rabbits Away From Tomato Plants How to Repel Chipmunks How to Keep Chipmunks Away From My Tomato Plants How to Keep Squirrels Away From Pumpkins How to Keep Dogs Out of My Flower Beds Homemade Raccoon Repellent ...